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"you guys ready?" i heard christina yell from downstairs

i walked out of the nursery and towards to top of the staircase to find the guys and girls going through my kitchen.

"almost" i called out

"i think we have everything" zach said as i walked back in the nursery

"you sure?"

"yeah" he confirmed as he put the diaper bag around his shoulder and picked up nova.

i quickly grabbed nathaly and we both walked down the stairs and put the girls in their car seats.

"ok let's go" zach opened the door

we all followed him and walked to our cars.

"are you excited?" he asked as he pulled out of the driveway

"i'm not sure, what if they start crying" i looked at him

"they'll be fine" he intertwined our hands and place a soft kiss on the back of my hand without taking his eyes off the road. " and if not then we'll know not to bring them again" he smiled

everyone thought it would be a good idea to take the girls to the beach for the first time, but i was pretty doubtful. i mean they're only 4 months and we had no idea how they would react to the sand or the cold water. i'm not sure how they were able to convince me to bring them but here we are on the way to the beach.

once we got there we sent up our towel and sat on the sad. the boy quickly went into the water while us girls sat there.

"so how's the album coming?" christina asked as she picked up nathaly

"well it is taking a while to finish but we'll get there" i answered

"i love the idea of coming together for an album, does that mean you're gonna tell the fans about the girls and you and zach?" may questioned

"i got on social media for the first time in months and a lot of them had already guessed that i was pregnant but zach said we should just wait until we finish the album which will hopefully be soon"

"hey you guys coming?" zach ran up to us


"i don't know"

the girls and i answered at the same time.

"mia they'll be fine" zach smiled

"i know it's just, okay let's go"

zach carefully took nathaly from christina and stood up holding nova. i turned my head and saw the girls already running towards the water. i felt an arm deal across my shoulder and turned my to find zach smiling down at me.

"let's go" he began walking.

as my feet touched the water i turned to look at nathaly and nova. they were both calm and smiling as they saw everyone playing in the water. zach continued to lead us deeper into the water until they're little legs finally touched it. they quickly lifted they're legs and gasped, but they soon relaxed and moved them across the water.

"see nothing to worry about theyre fine" zach kissed the top of my head

"ok maybe i was over reacting but how will they react when we wet they're heads"

"mia they will be fine" he laughed

christina and corbyn came towards us and they each took a girl from our arms.

"please be careful" i warned

"we will" corbyn laughed

zach wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. we both watched the girls laugh as they splashed the water. it wasn't soon after daniel and may grabbed them, then it was jonah and jack.

" that's another song finished finally" zach said

"yeah but we still need more" i laughed

it's officially been 2 months since we started writing the album and 3 months since zach and i got back together. after what seemed like forever we finally have 4 songs that will be on the album. zach and i just finished writing the 4th one while the girls took their last nap of the day.

"so i've been thinking" zach said over dinner


"yeah, and i was wondering if you wanted to go out in a date with me " he asked

i let out a quick laugh and looked up at him to find him completely serious

"are you serious" i asked

"yes mia we haven't gone out since we got back together, come on just one night and i already talked to my parents and they agreed to watch the girls for us"


"tomorrow " he said quietly

"ok i'll go out with you as long as it's something simple please don't go all out like last week" i answered

zach brought up the fact that we haven't gone out last week as well and i told him that it was fine and that we didn't need to go out, the next day i went out to buy groceries and i came back to find my room filled with roses. i'd be lying if i said i didn't like the gesture, i loved it but i just hate him spending so much money me and there is no way that surprise wasn't expensive

"i promise i won't" he smiled

"you ready to go?" i heard zach call

"i'm going"

he had just came back from dropping off the girls for our date. he hasn't told me where we're going, all he said was to dress casual. so i'm wearing a random pair of jeans with a simple green crop top.

"you look amazing" zach gave me a quick kiss as i reach the bottom of the stairs

"are you sure it's not to casual" i hesitated

"not at all, now come on" he dragged me out the front door

"so where are we going?" i asked him as he drove while holding my hand

"it's a surprise" he smiled

"zach you know i hate surprises, just tell me already please" i looked at him

"you know i think i have an idea for another song" he changed the subject

"you can't just change the subject like that"

"what do you think of this,
i can't even hide it
i haven't stopped thinking about your lips
i'm losing my mind
it's been too long and i'm missing your kiss" he sang

i smiled not taking my eyes off of him
"i love it"


"yes really" i continued looking at him

after a moment of silence i spoke up

"you could also do,
you don't want me no more
i've never hurt like this before
i'm begging, begging please
now everyday it rains and i'm the one to blame
cause i walked away
now everything things grey" i sang

"now thats amazing, type it before we forget it" he laughed

i finished typing the lyrics and zach finally said

"we're here"

i looked up to see him parking at disney land

"you're kidding" i said

"nope, remember a couple months ago when i told you that if it wasn't for your dad breaking his promise of taking you to an amusement park we would have never been together?" he asked


"yeah i know it's not the park where i realized i was completely in love with you, but it should be better"

"oh my God" i looked at him " i love you and you are amazing" i said as i opened the car door

i've been to disneyland once with may and christina but we didn't stay long because may thought it was too crowded

zach laughed at my reaction and quickly joins me outside.

"ok let's get going because i have another surprise for later tonight"

i know i said i hated surprises but i was too excited to argue with him

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