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"So, you and zach" christina asked

"what about us" I teased

"oh come on, i saw you guys at the wedding" she laughed

" ok, we're gonna give it another try, but we dont want to tell anyone yet, the only ones who know are his parents my mom and you"

"why not" she asked

"because we haven't been together in almost 7 months and in those months there was quite a bit of drama, and we don't want to tell the fans, I mean they assumed we broke up since I took a break from everything"

I think you should te them about the girls"she said as she helped my dry bottles

"I don't know, I just don't want to be attacked by them again and I have to start working on my comeback album and I'm completely blocked" I sighed

"What do you have right now"

"Just the song I showed Daniel before going into labor" I sighed

"You'll get there, you probably just need to focus on your self the girls and-" she was interrupted by the front door being opened

"Hey baby" Zach walked in, "shoot" he saw Christina

"It's ok I already know" she laughed

"Oh" Zach looked at me

"She saw us at the wedding" I laughed

"Anyways I'll leave you guys" she said as Zach walked over to me, "have fun"she looked at me

"Bye" We laughed

"So how was your day?" I asked Zach

"Oh well you know I just had 4 different guys asking me when we were gonna get back together" he leaned down to kiss me "yours?"

"Well I still have writers block"

"You'll get there, but how about you take a break" he leaned in "and we can watch a movie, order some pizza and-" the baby monitor went off

"And go check on the girls" I finished for him

He threw his head back and went up the stairs. As I waited for him to come back down I got on my phone and for the first in months I opened instgram. I went to my notifications and saw all the rumors everyone was saying about me. I either cheered on Zach, went back to Houston, I'm no longer friends with why don't we or the girls, but there's only a few who guessed I was pregnant.

"Nova needed a diaper change, she fell asleep right when I finished" I heard Zach "what are you doing" he asked

"Nothing" I said still looking through all the comments from my old posts

"Ok stop" he took my phone

"What?"  I asked

"Why are you going through your comments"

"I just un wanted to see what they were thinking" I looked down " and if I'm being honest, I think we should tell them about the girls"

"Are you sure"

"I mean some of them already guessed that I was pregnant, and might as well just get it over with you know"

"I don't know, maybe we should wait a little longer, like when you new album comes out"

"Ok you're right we'll wait, god knows how long, but we'll wait." I laughed

"Youll wrote soon Mia, just be patient"

" I haven't written anything since the girls were born, I only have one song"

"Maybe you just need some inspiration... maybe from me?" He began leaning in

"Oh my god" I stood up

Zach once again threw his head, but soon got up with me.

"What happened"

"You're right, I need inspiration, and when I sang that song with Daniel it sounded complete, I missing the why don't we boys" I looked at him

"What are you saying"

"I think my new album should be our new album, Mia evans and why don't we, what do you think"

"I think it's an amazing idea, but-" he started

"We wouldn't be able to hide the fact that we're back together" I finished

"Yeah" he gave me a peck

"Ok let's do it, I mean they're gonna find out sooner or later, I'll take to my manager and you talk to the boys"

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