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"Please dont make me go" i begged before entering the airport.

"Mia you have to, you have a photoshoot and once again you havent seen youre mom in a really long time." He answered

"But i dont want to go with out you"

"Its just a week, ill be here when you come back and well talk every day."

Instead of saying anything i held his hand tighter and rested my head on his shoulder. Zach and I haven't been apart for more than two days. This is the first time we won't see each other in a week.

"You have to go" he said as they called my plane

"I love you" he said as i got up

"I love you too" i gave him a quick kiss.

"Tell youre mom, brother and sister i said hi" he said letting go of my hand

"I will" i turned around.

"Bye" i said


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