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"How are you feeling" Zach asked as he opened the door

"I'm happy" I smiled

I woke up a couple minutes ago and i just sat here and stared at the girls still amazed.

"So the nurse says they might wake up soon to eat, they wanna know if you're gonna breast feed them or just give them formula" he said

"I'm not sure" I answered. "But Zach I wanted to talk to you about the um-, the, you know, the kiss" I finally got out.

"We don't have to, you just had the twins you know we should focus in them we can talk about that later" he said

"Ok, thank you"

"Hey" May walked in

"Hey" Zach said

"Hi" I looked down

I wasn't angry at her at all I was just sad I mean after the dare she didn't talk to me, not during the contractions, not even when the girls were born. I haven't seen or talked to her in almost 12 hours. Im
hurt, it's like she expects me togo looking for her when I just had two babies, she just  didn't come see mero the girls

"Mia, i know you're mad and I'm sorry about the Dare ok I just-"

"I'm not mad at you and I could care less about the dare. I'm just hurt ok. One of my best friends didn't come see me at all I was in pain and you didn't come my daughters were born almost 4 hours ago and you're coming now, I'm just hurt" I explained

"Mia I'm so sorry, I just I didn't think you'd want to see me , I thought you were mad at me I really did please just forgive me" she said

Before I could sag anything the girls started crying.

"I think they're hungry" Zach said

"Bring them to me" I said deciding we could try Breast feeding.

As Zach handed them to the door opens and closed and May was no where to be found.

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