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"Mia you're back" reese opened up the door

"I just got back" i smiled as she hug me.

"Mom, dad, ryan" can you guys get in here" zach yelled

Soon we were all in the living room.

"Its good to see you mia" myta greeted

"It's good to see you guys too" i replied

"So why are we all here" ryan asked

"We have to tell you guys something" i answered looking at zach.

"Ok you guys can tell us anything" josh reassured

"Ok...,um" i began

"Whatever it is just say, the suspense is killing" myta laughed

"Mia's pregnant" zach said

"You're pregnant?" Myta asked

"Yeah, i know its soon, i mean we're not married, we dont even live togther, but-" i started

"You're pregnant, im gonna be grandma" she cut me off and ran to hug me

" are you actually pregnant?" Reese asked too

"Reese shes pregnant" zach told her

They hugged us and told how excited they were to meet the baby.

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