Chapter 3

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The tall black haired boy panted as he came to the roof top.

"bitches made me run for no reason tch, I will see them later on" the Japanese pulled out his lighter and a cigarette, crossing legs as he laid his head into the ground.

Eyes locked at the blue sky, the Japanese got back to sense when he felt a sudden call, fishing out the phone, checking the Id-caller, it was his cousin.

"why the sudden call yoonbin hyung?" from the other line, the Korean just shortly said for the Japanese to come down.

"if it's not important I swear I would k-" cutting the pissed of Japanese, Yoonbin said it was important.

"I'm coming" the boy shortly replied standing on his feet, crushing the cigarette into the ground, the tall heartthrob walked towards the hallway.

When he stepped into the hallway, girls screaming surrounded the whole place.

"did he do that on purpose? Just to piss me off more than I already am??!" scoffing the latter walked more further into the crowd, pushing some of them away the latter took a look at why they are killing his ear...

"did he do that on purpose? Just to piss me off more than I already am??!" scoffing the latter walked more further into the crowd, pushing some of them away the latter took a look at why they are killing his ear

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And was met by those gorgeous wolfy eyes, of a certain tan skinned korean.

'the same idol who dared to talk back with me huh?' the Japanese dark orbs blankly gazed at the sun kissed korean's wolfy one.

The aura became cold as an ice, Two boys intense gaze made everyone shut there mouth.

But it broke when the Sun kissed Korean flushed a sweet smile towards the Heartless taller.

There was no one who didn't melt by the smile expect for the tall Japanese who remain without blinking, face blank as usual the tall boy walked closer to the tan skinned korean before  giving him his coldest glare.

However it didn't affect on the Korean at all, it was a surprise for everyone as well as the boy himself. Not being able to hold himself back.

Haruto grabbed the Korean's collar slamming him into the locker, darkly gazing into the other's chocolate brown eyes, as the latter spoke "I hate people like you, do you know why? Cause people like you are so annoying as hell! They don't care about anything expect for money, all are Gold diggers" The harsh words that left the Japanese lips felt like sharp knives for the tan skinned korean.

"and bet you're one of them.. A gold digger~" The taller whispered the last parts with a smirk, no one dared utter a word it felt as if the time stopped, not until The Japanese stepped back putting his hands into his black pants, as he gaze at the Sun kissed Korean who's head was lowered down.

The sunlight crushed into Korean's face, He slowly looked up locking eyes with the Heartthrob.

With slow steps he approach the Japanese, "I never knew you could be this Heartless, can you ever think of other peoples feelings? And for your information Watanabe Haruto I'm already dating then why would I even look at someone else? Specifically you? T-" a girl's stern cold voice shouted at the Idol.

"Park jeongwoo! I have been calling you for hours and you didn't even respond to one of my calls??! Did you know how scared I got? And-..." the girl stopped her sentence when her eyes meet with the Heartthrob's dark one.

Not saying anything further the girl grabbed the tan skinned Korean's wrist tightly."N-noona? Your hurting my poor wrist" but to the Korean's surprise the girl didn't stop and dragged him more harder, so he decided to speak in English.

"come on sis stop, your hurting your little brother" and just as he thought, the girl stopped and glanced at her brother with a soft gaze this time.

"I'm mad at you woo, why would you even talk with that guy?? Did you know how our dad hates his family? Ours and his family are enemies! I'm watching your every movements, don't ever talk to him or else the consequences would be really Bad, not from me or Jihoon but him Watanabe Haruto"

"if he ever gets to know about our family then he would plan something really bad, woo believe me he is really Heartless he wouldn't even have a single tear killing someone dear to him, and it's about you, be careful at what your doing... I just can't see my brother hurt, you know how much I love you right? I can't see you hurt so remember my words don't fall for his trap" jeongwoo was left speechless, his sister pulled him for a hug and patted his head, "i know it would be hard for you to ignore him since your a sunshine my dear brother, but still try your best to stay away from him. I hate him really much-" the tan skinned Korean cut his sister's word by rolling his eyes.

"why do you even hate him?? Our dad's enemy is his dad and his whole family, but us? We weren't, I'm not Haruto's enemy, I can't ignore him I know deep down he is also in dark. I can't... I just can't sister, he can be harsh with me but I won't give up, I will bring a new side of him, I know there is another Haruto inside him, and that is..... The weak Haruto.." the sun kissed Korean gave a last glance at his sister before running to the roof top where he saw the tall black haired Japanese go.

"I know how kind you are my brother, but please don't get hurt when he breaks your heart... Just don't fall in love with him...."

"if that Heartless boy ever falls in love with you.... Then just know you both are going to be hurt.. Our parents would never allow you to be together with Watanabe Haruto.."

Late update sorry😭

To be continued

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