chapter 19

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Smiling under the sun seemed like the sun lost to the tan skinned korean in shining.

Jeongwoo, heave a small breath with a soft smile. He stepped inside his house and was greeted by his sister rosé and his father.

Rosé was smiling at her brother but not Mr. Park who was only giving death glare towards jeongwoo.

"Where have you been this past week?" His father asked with brows raised. "At someone's place.."

"Someone who?" Jeongwoo was so nervous to even say Haruto's name. "J-just a friend"

'damn! Park jeongwoo why need to stutter?!'

His father gave him a judgemental look. Jeongwoo's head lowered down.

"Are you seeing somebody?" This question froze jeongwoo in his place. "I'd never let you get together with anybody unless that person is my choice.."

The words that just came out of his father's mouth made jeongwoo slightly mad.

Without making any eye contact with his father, Jeongwoo left the living room and went to his room followed by a worried rosé.

After closing the door, Jeongwoo flopped down the comfy bed and closed his wolfie eyes.

Sooner he felt a hand caressing his head. Jeongwoo looked up, when he saw his sister, he immediately hugged her.

"I-i want to tell you something.."

Rosé, patted her brother's head and comforted him when the younger one seemed to break down.

"I..did a mistake.." rosé looked at the younger one in confusion. "What?"

"You told me.. but I disobeyed..and that's maybe a karma..."

"What are you talking about, Jeongwoo. Say it clearly"

"I...Feel in love.."



"I love him"

"Haruto, My laptop?" Yoonbin asked upon the latter's arrival.

"The butler will bring it... I'm going to sleep" the younger one quickly left the living room and went towards his room.

Haruto took off his jacket and threw it at the floor and then took of his white t-shirt, leaving himself with only a black ripped jeans.

He locked the door and then went towards the bed before hopping inside the duvet.

He slept on his stomach and switched on the phone. There were a few messages from byounggon.

They hadn't seen each other for awhile now. Byounggon actually left Korea for some work in Japan.

After the Mr heartthrob replied to byounggon, he putted the phone back down and let out a yawn.

Yesterday he- no, they couldn't sleep, him and jeongwoo. They had a short conversation that lasted till midnight.. isn't short.

Jeongwoo, didn't sleep nor did Haruto. But then when it was 5 in the morning, jeongwoo fell asleep.

You could say, the Japanese never slept.

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