chapter 14

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Jeongwoo bit his lips and just stared at the both, eyes were just begging them to stop.

"There's no time to think...just choose" the Korean let out a sigh and just went up to both of them.

"I will ..just go by myself, goodbye" pushing the two guys away, jeongwoo rushed out of the classroom.

He ran like somebody was going to murder him.

The tan skinned boy ran to the canteen avoiding any fans out there who would stop him to just compliment.

When he pushed open the canteen door, all the eyes went on him, ignoring the stares jeongwoo went up to his brother and his group mates.

Jihoon, looked up in confusion when he saw his brother sweating. "What happened to you? Here take a sit and drink the water, look at you what a mess" the sun kissed obeyed and sat down before taking the bottle from his brother's hand.

Jihoon fixed his hair and asked again. "What happened?" Jeongwoo took a deep breath and explained everything that happened in the classroom.

"What? Really?? Hahaha" jeongwoo glared at his brother. "It's not funny Hyung! They scared me, I was worried of just hurting any of their feelings" Jihoon nod his head with a soft smile.

"Eat now, I think Junghwan was only joking, baby is still little so might got Jealous of you giving attention to someone else rather than him, don't worry too much, and it was good that you didn't choose any of them and decided to come here"

The younger nod again and decided to eat for now, But he couldn't ignore the fact that Haruto and Junghwan none of them came to the canteen.

Lots of negative thoughts entered inside Jeongwoo's head, he was worried cause the two boys looked really scary glaring at each other.

But the thoughts stopped when the canteen door opened and it reveled none other than the two guys jeongwoo was just now thinking about.

Their aura was kinda scary. Jeongwoo choked in his water when he noticed the glares they were giving.

The tan skinned nudged his brother with his elbow and pointed towards the two boys entering.

"And what do you call that? I have never seen Junghwan like that, Haruto's one if fine cause he is like that but .. Junghwan?!"

Jihoon shrugged and waved towards Junghwan, the latter smiled and came towards the table.

Junghwan gazed at Jeongwoo then smiled. "Hyung, why did you leave me?" Junghwan acted cute to melt Jeongwoo's heart and it worked after all they are iksan bros.

"Aish sorry hwanie, but you and that tall llama were giving me a hard time by saying to choose between you both"


"It's alright" the tan skinned smiled and then went back on eating his food.

From the back Haruto looked at Jeongwoo with a rare expression but then averted his eyes once he saw who was glaring at him.

It was not like the Japanese was afraid or something, he just doesn't want to make a mess here..maybe somewhere else.

𝒜𝒻𝓇𝓉ℯ 𝓉𝓌ℴ 𝒽ℴ𝓊𝓇𝓈

It was last class and it was time for some playtime. All the boys went to the field to play football including Haruto and Junghwan.

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