chapter 15

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When Jeongwoo's body fall to the ground, haruto and Junghwan both rushed towards the tan skinned boy.

But their steps stopped in front of jeongwoo. Haruto was just thinking, why was he acting like he was worried..? Or is it just to show Junghwan?

Junghwan ignored haruto and pushed him away before carrying jeongwoo in his arms.

Haruto froze in his place and lowered his head.

What happened he himself doesn't know, but right now he knows that he just can't stand here like a fool.

Ignoring the whispers about him, the latter stormed out of there to go to the clinic where jeongwoo probably is.

But on his way he was met with a small Japanese.

"Mashi-" the said male ignored Haruto and walked pass him by. Haruto growled in frustration and walked towards the clinic.

Once the latter was in front of the room, he let out a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

The scene in front of him just pissed his soul. Junghwan holding Jeongwoo's hand while staring at him.

Haruto entered without making a noise and stood beside Junghwan. "Done? Get lost"

Junghwan who heard the Japanese's cold tone of voice, glared before rolling his eyes. "And you think I will listen to your shit words?! Just shut up, my Hyung is now in this condition because of you!"

"Me..? Heh~ then I should be the one taking care of him if I am the cause of this" Haruto pointed towards the fast asleep jeongwoo.

Junghwan stood up after placing Jeongwoo's hand on the bed softly. "I don't have any trust in you-"

"When did I ask you to have? I don't need your trust... Move.."

When the other didn't listen Haruto used his skills to push Junghwan away and sat on the stool Junghwan sat himself before.

"Tsk! I'd kill you if you try to even harm Woo" Junghwan whispered in a cold tone and left the two alone.

At least he left them alone for now though or another fight was coming on it's way.

Haruto, stared at Jeongwoo, the latter didn't know but since the day jeongwoo appeared in his life everything seems to brighten.

Maybe because he is a box of pureness and kind? Or maybe... something happened..? Or maybe because the boy who he always dreams about seems so similar with jeongwoo. Voice, eyes, body, singing skills and all but Haruto still didn't see the boy's face in his dream.

But just one thing he knows is that .. jeongwoo changed him a lot from the day he came to this school.

Haruto's slender hand went to grab the younger's tanned one.

The younger's hand was so soft as if it'll melt if anyone holds it for too long.

Suddenly, jeongwoo flutter open his eyes, blinking it a little to adjust to the light the younger slowly looked at the Japanese with his tired eyes.

Haruto, tighten the hold on Jeongwoo's hand, he didn't know but he felt his heart beat when Jeongwoo's wolfy eyes met with his ones.

"H-haru?" Jeongwoo muttered in a tiny voice before looking away. "What are you doing here..?" The younger's question made Haruto look up in confusion.

"To see you?"

"You don't need to... leave-"

"Shut up, after everything that happened your saying me to leave??" Jeongwoo sighed and fixed his gaze on the other.

With a little straight jeongwoo sat up, he looked closer at Haruto's face and noticed the bruises.

With his left hand jeongwoo caressed Haruto's face. The younger's hand traveled towards Haruto's lips where was the dried blood cause of Junghwan's harsh punch.

Haruto didn't say anything and just let jeongwoo touch him. "Hurts?" The younger asked sounding worried.

Haruto shook his hand and placed his hand on Jeongwoo's own.

Jeongwoo's eyes started to tear up, Haruto didn't show but he was actually panicking inside. "Why are you crying?" Jeongwoo covered his face with both of his hands and let out sobs.

"I-i d-don't want an-any of y-you to get h-hurt for s-some stupid t-thing-" the Japanese's went up towards Jeongwoo's neck and pulled the younger towards his shoulder.

Jeongwoo sobbed harder because of Haruto's action.

"I d-don't like i-it when s-somebody fights a-and i-i am the c-cause o-of it" Haruto slightly patted Jeongwoo's back and looked out of the window.

Haruto felt his whole shoulder wet from Jeongwoo's tears but ignored it.

The younger sniffled and wiped his tears before looking at Haruto with his puffy eyes.

"Can you please answer my question this once..?"


"What really happened between you and Junghwan? And why am I the cause of your fights?" Haruto stayed silence, for real he himself didn't know the answer of it.

Jeongwoo waited for Haruto to answer but nothing...

They stayed silent for quite sometime before jeongwoo decided to break the silence. "I want to go home.." the older of them looked at Jeongwoo and nod.

"You are staying with me for a week till you are alright.." jeongwoo widen his eyes in shock. "What?!"


"Don't you think you can also rest assured there because Junghwan isn't there so we won't fight.." Haruto grinned teasingly. Jeongwoo glared but then laughed.

"Yeah sure.."

"Let's go.." the Japanese held a hand, jeongwoo smiled and took it before getting of off the bed.

"Let's go~"

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