chapter 21

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No know knew why the mood of the sunshine of their school, just changed.

Jeongwoo seemed so dead inside, the dark circles around his eyes made all of them worried for the idol.

The korean was dying to someone but that someone was nowhere to be found.

"Looking for Haruto?" The seatmate asked. Jeongwoo nodded slightly. "Ha~ Haruto transferred to another school, not in Korea but somewhere else..nobody knows where"

"Why?" Jeongwoo's voice cracked a little. "Don't know.. but just know that our Mr heartthrob will be now another school's heartthrob"

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?!" He asked in a panicked tone seeing jeongwoo cry.

"W-where is he?"

"Dunno.. but maybe you can see him behind our school, I saw him before coming here" with a nod, jeongwoo grabbed his backpack and excused to the teacher before leaving.

He ran and ran until reaching the background of the school.

Breathing heavily, jeongwoo supported himself by leaning on the wall.

With enough steps he reached behind Haruto. The other male was busy drinking some alcoholic.

Jeongwoo, took that away and threw it straight in the bin. The Japanese looked at him with annoyance but soon it turned soft.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be doing class-"

"Why do you care? Now I will! Skip classes"

"Don't be stupid, jeongwoo. Just go away"

"I won't"

Haruto shrugged and start to walk off but jeongwoo was quick to grab something from his back pocket.

"Stop right there!"

Jeongwoo's hands trembled, the Japanese turned around and his brows raised.

"Wanna kill me huh?" Haruto asked with a slight chuckle seeing the gun trembling in Jeongwoo's hand.

"Why would I kill you..?" Jeongwoo smiled and removed the point from Haruto to his head.

The Japanese's eyes went wide. "Are you crazy! Remove that" jeongwoo shook his head still with a smile plastered.

"You wanna leave me?.. don't care? Then fine.. go.." Haruto sighed and swiftly grabbed the gun from Jeongwoo's hand.

The younger bit his bottom lip, getting his courage, jeongwoo stole the gun from Haruto's hand and immediately moved away from the latter.

Haruto was left speechless but you could still hear the rough beat of his heart.

Jeongwoo, blinked his eyes slowly and pressed the gun on his side of head.

"You're being stupid.. throw it away or do whatever, I'm leaving.."  Haruto's legs were ready to leave but the words uttered by the younger stopped him.

"One step more... And the bullet will be inside my head" Haruto's hands trembled, to stop them he made them into fists.

When the other took a step, jeongwoo pulled the trigger. "Another step and you'll see my dead body..."

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