chapter 18

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The next day, Jeongwoo got up early, made breakfast and woke Haruto.

He was so excited, 'cause today they'll be going to lotte world. When Haruto came out of the washroom looking fresh, jeongwoo flashed a sweet smile.

"Sit! I made your favourite dish today!" Haruto was impressed by the visual of the food the younger cooked.

He took a sit and drank a glass of water first to wet his dry throat. Jeongwoo smiled and grabbed a spoon.

He then put half of the food on Haruto's dish. The older let out a small laugh but didn't show that to jeongwoo.

With expressionless, Haruto ate the food, jeongwoo was just standing, watching him eat.

And Haruto caught that. "Why aren't you eating??" Jeongwoo shook his head slightly. "I'm not hungry.."

The heartthrob then went back on eating. Jeongwoo chewed on his bottom lip, Haruto seemed to be forgetting that today they have to go to lotte world.

The older noticed how jeongwoo was acting so he cleared his throat. "Ah.. nothing..."

"Just say so.."

" you still remember what we planned- I mean what I asked for, yesterday? Lotte world and ect? Do you?" Jeongwoo said that in one breath and let out a deep sigh.

Haruto controlled himself from bursting into laughter. "I do.."

"I'm glad!"

°Time Skip°

When the car, stopped in front of the place jeongwoo was dying to go to. The Korean opened the door and immediately got out.

Haruto then followed behind him. The tan skinned squealed seeing the rides in front of his eyes.

Jeongwoo, turned towards Haruto before grabbing his arm and going for a run.

It was scorching outside but Jeongwoo couldn't just stay in the house right?? They went towards one of the stalls and jeongwoo brought two ice creams. With Haruto's money of course.

"One picture pls!" The taller immediately shook his head. "Please~ then how about only of the ice creams??"

"That's fine.."

With a grin, the korean took out his phone and took a quick picture of their cute ice creams.

"Done! Now this will be posted on twitter" Haruto raised his brows. "Twitter? And if your so called fans ask who's hand that is?"

"Simple, will say it's yours-"


"Why so cold?" Jeongwoo pouted, licking his ice cream. The latter walked towards a bench and sat down followed by an innocent looking wolf.

Haruto's sapphire eyes landed on Jeongwoo's lips. He groaned. "Why are you eating messily.." jeongwoo confusedly glanced up.

Haruto's slender finger went towards his lips before wiping the side where was the cream.

Jeongwoo's face turned bright red at that action. Haruto cleared his throat and faced the other way.

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