chapter 9

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"We are here, I'll leave you here" coldly said the heartthrob as he opened the door for jeongwoo.

"Are you seriously leaving a beautiful boy like me in the middle of the night?" The Korean asked with a mad tone, Haruto just gave a look of 'so what?' which of course pissed the younger.

"Watanabe, I'm an idol not a piece of art, I could get kidnapped, you know?!" The elder tsk-ed.

"Just get out of my car-" but the younger yelled a 'i don't care' Haruto grabbed the steering wheel tightly and glanced at Jeongwoo with a glare coming behind his sunglasses.

"You are disobeying my orders huh? The nerve" the Japanese got out the car and straight went towards the other side and immediately grabbed the younger's arm before pulling him out.

But before the Japanese could pull him fully out, Jeongwoo grabbed onto the seat and started hitting Haruto with his free arm.

The sun kissed didn't stop hitting the older, it was like he was fighting for his life.

The Japanese, had enough of jeongwoo being stubborn, he grabbed both of his arms and pulled them a little harshly, but in a way he wouldn't hurt the younger.

"I'm leaving...don't try to trick, the station is located that way, go by yourself" he moved the Korean aside and closed the car door before going towards the driver seat.

And within a minute the Japanese left the place.

Jeongwoo stomped his feet and pouted, "Mean!"


An Hour pass by, and the Korean was still there standing, he didn't believe the Japanese left, his heart couldn't believe it.

He thought the older will come back, he would know what he has done or maybe will just normally come back as if nothing happened.

But no, nothing happened for an hour, but he still didn't go towards the way the train could be find, because he is a clumsy person. He might get lost in the crowd.

Jeongwoo touched his forehead feeling it getting hot once again, his fever did come to normal but not from inside.

The tan skinned yawned and rubbed his eyes, "I'm sleeepy~ Haru where are you..? My head hurts" after waiting for some more minutes, the young idol finally thought of leaving the place, he thought of only going to the station, 'cause that's the only option left.

With a deep sigh he left with a sad expression.

But on his way, he found a dark street that leads straight towards the main stairs of the station.

His thoughts were to go that way, the Korean made up his mind after thinking for some seconds.

Just as he stepped in the middle, three figures shadow surrender his place.

The tan skinned widen his eyes, and just as he planned to run the men trapped him.

The Korean let out a groan, his heart was racing fast at the thought of getting kidnapped.

"Haru help me-" one of the men from behind grabbed him by the neck and smirked.

"Park's son huh? Good attack boys, our whole year is now all about money after we got this rich kid" The younger was helpless when he heard what they intended, his eyes started tearing.

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