chapter 32

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When the clock showed 7pm, jeongwoo dressed up along with Jihoon.

"What do you think about this? Good right?" The older asked, dancing around. "Yeah"

"That means it's not that great.. then I'll change-"

"I beg you pls don't! It's already the 3rd one, you look perfect in it, I just didn't feel like talking but now you made me open my mouth" jeongwoo sighed annoyed.

"I already feel sick, I just wanna sleep" the younger yawned, ready to sleep.

"Yah, we've to leave after a few min, and you're here planning to sleep? Nahuh. Get up, don't be dramatic it's only 7pm what's got into you??"

Jeongwoo didn't intend arguing and did as Jihoon said, getting up from the comfy bed.

"It would've been better if you just had booked two tickets for Busan, 4 freaking hours! Awesome"

"Sorry, but I wanted to go by car, it's fun-"

"Sure.. don't make me angry, let's go" Jihoon rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah"


After an hour of ride, the excited Jihoon told the driver to stop in front of a supermarket.

"Coming along or not?" The older of the two asked with brows raised.

"I'll stay.. bye"

Jihoon closed the door and went inside the supermarket. Jeongwoo laid down a little and scrolled through twitter.

Not long, there was knock on the window, jeongwoo got annoyed. "Hyung, just get in.."

But instead of being answered, the knocking kept getting louder. "Park Jihoon!-"

But instead of Jihoon, there were some unknown people, Jeongwoo was shocked to see some strangers outside.

It panicked jeongwoo, negative thoughts ran inside his head as the people tried to open the door, but jeongwoo locked it. "Driver uncle why don't you help-"

Jeongwoo gasped seeing the seat in the front wet with blood, the driver was already dead on his place..

The latter flinched when there was another knock, jeongwoo looked nervously, but instead of seeing those strange faces this time it was someone familiar.

Haruto's personal assistant. "What do you want! Pls leave me alone"

"Pls open the door, we're here to help" jeongwoo shook his head.

But when the korean heard Jihoon's voice, he felt scared. Afraid if anyone hurts Jihoon just because of him.

"I-I'm opening..but don't do anything to my brother..." With that being said, jeongwoo opened the door and stepped out and was hit with the sudden harsh wind.

It was confusing when the assistant and some guards bowed down in respect. "Please follow us, it's dangerous here..there is a safe place not so far away, we will take you both there, it's my responsibility pls don't disagree"

Jeongwoo stepped back and held onto Jihoon's arm. "We aren't going with you, who knows what you'll do... After all your boss is him.."

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