chapter 30

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For a week Haruto was behaving like a total different person, he didn't even seem like the Haruto from the past.

It's not like jeongwoo doesn't like the new side of him, but it's just weird to see someone as stone as Haruto transform into a softie.

Today they planned to go to the club, it's actually the Japanese's idea, the korean against it because the thought of parties only made em sick.

Jeongwoo wore something simple and then went out of the apartment, not forgetting to lock it of course.

Then called a taxi and went to the location the Japanese sent.

At the arrival, jeongwoo was suddenly showered with flowers. Shocked the tan skinned looked around, but found no one.

Or rather in this place there wasn't even a single person, Jeongwoo's gaze draw towards the driver but he also wasn't there.

"Omg! Is this a zombie world??" The korean panicked and tried to dial Jihoon's number but the phone was snatched away.

And there stood a handsome man wearing a tuxedo with his small smile.

Jeongwoo gasped. "H-haru-"


The older suddenly bent down, and now the younger was more shocked. "O-ok this is going too fast"

Jeongwoo squealed when Haruto pulled out a velvet box. "Will you marry me?"
The younger felt teary eyed. "Yes!"


The korean still couldn't believe it, as if it was a dream.

But now jeongwoo is worried how to tell Mr Park.

"Dad is so the past he didn't even let me date anyone..and if I suddenly say I'm engaged? Oh my, that makes my heartbeat stop... I should ask help from noona"

Jeongwoo nod and immediately dialed rose's number, it rang 3 times before she picked up.

"Noonaa! Save"

“what? Something happened?”

"Yes, a you know, me and Haruto are dating"

“yeah? Don't tell me you both broke up, 'cuz hell nah, I ain't helping-”

"no, no, he proposed!"

kyaa what?! You must be joking!”

"no, serious"

“So happy for you, but why do you need my help? Everything is settled right?”

"yeah, but how should I say it to dad?"

“uhuh, alright, leave it to me. You wanna know something? Dad is a lot strict with you because you're too sweet to get dumped easily, so he's worried..but I'm not sure if I'll tell Haruto's name, or about his family.. because if I do, then I can confirm the marriage will be done by today”

"How can we fix their problems? But noona pls try to talk to him, imma hung up. Bye"


Jeongwoo heavily sighed and stared at the ring. "I'm worried now..."

-skip after wedding-

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