chapter 28

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Jeongwoo curled up on Haruto's arms while making random circles around his chest.

"That's the reason...? But you're so bad! Leaving me like that and then coming back and acting as if I'm invisible" the younger said throwing some punch on the older's chest.

"I had no other options, if I've told you then you would be stubborn and wouldn't let me go, for your safety I left from there.." jeongwoo sighed then leaned on Haruto's shoulder before whispering. "I hate you"

"Really? Then why are you hugging me so tightly?" Haruto asked teasingly.

"T-that's because your body is warm and the weather is cold!" The taller nod in return.

Haruto glanced at the clock attached on the wall, before looking back at jeongwoo. "It's already 6 o'clock, I'll take you home-"

"I'm not going to my apartment, I'll visit Junghwan today" Haruto did not look happy at all, he kind of seemed bothered by it.

"Any reason" he asked in a not so kind voice.

"Yeah, Junghwan is sick so-" Haruto stared at jeongwoo in a really sharp gaze.

"That doesn't explain anything-" in the middle of his sentence, Haruto stopped noticing the laugher coming from the younger.

"And why are you laughing?" He asked, kinda annoyed.

"Aww you're such a cutie when you're jealous" jeongwoo pinched Haruto's cheek. "Shut up"

"I should go now..I wouldn't mind a ride with you" the younger gave a small smile.

"Which type of ride..? Car ride or my ride-"

"Watanabe Haruto! Mind your language" Haruto was in the verge of laughing out loud.

"Let's head out" with a small nod, jeongwoo got up from Haruto's lap and wore the jacket before following behind the older

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"Let's head out" with a small nod, jeongwoo got up from Haruto's lap and wore the jacket before following behind the older.

"Aren't you cold?" The younger asked, concerned because the older wasn't wearing anything, just a neat suit that fit his body so well, handsomeness overload.

"Not cold" he shortly replied before opening the door and first giving jeongwoo the way to get out.

On their way, the two were given looks, but all looked down with just a small glance from Haruto.

Haruto swiftly slides his slender arms around Jeongwoo's waist.

There was a young lawyer who was blushing as hell at the sudden action and there was an young CEO who didn't bother that at all.

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