chapter 8

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Morning came like flash, the tan skinned flutter open his eyes when the bright sunlight coming from the curtains hit his eyes.

Upon opening his eyes, the Korean was greeted by a shocking scenery, an unexpected person was just next to him, but it was more shocking when he saw in what position they were in.

Jeongwoo's one arm was wrapped around the Japanese chest while the other one was intertwined their hands together.

He nearly screamed with a bright red face, but was stopped when those beautiful brown eyes locked with his.

"G-good morning.." stuttering a little jeongwoo greeted good morning to the older.

"Hm... mind moving away now?"


"Tsk, I couldn't sleep properly because of your heavy body on top of me since midnight" now hearing this made the younger blush even more.

"S-sorry-" rolling his eyes, Haruto sat up and looked straight in jeongwoo's eyes which the younger immediately turned his gaze away from.

And it made the Japanese irritated, he grabbed the sun kissed jaw a little harshly and made him face straight.

"That one action is a disrespect for me..better not do the same thing again Park Jeongwoo" his deep dark orbs gazed strictly towards the tan skinned.

"And stop with that nonsense 'sorry' already" the younger nodded a little hesitantly since he is used to saying 'sorry' at everything.

Letting go of jeongwoo's jaw, Haruto messed his hair, it's like another habit of his, messing hair around in the morning.

When the younger noticed, his hand slowly made it's way up to haruto's silky black hair that seemed so soft to touch, he seriously didn't intend on touching that cold heartthrob's hair but something inside him told him to do it..

Jeongwoo did not only shock himself but he shocked Haruto as well, but even so, jeongwoo didn't stop and softly caressed Haruto's black locks.

"W-what do you think you're doing?!" Asked the Japanese with a small shout.

"Hehe, caressing the most handsome and purest boy's hair, he isn't only pure but he has a heart of gold and I know that even if he denies it every time.."

"Your really something...Woo"


"He's home.." a tall Korean was on his phone as he walked out the canteen with a cup of coffee.

Opening the door with his left foot, the boy was met by a woman's intense gaze, which he gave a blank gaze to.

"Ha Yoonbin..where is my brother..?" Park chaeyoung crossed her arms as she glared at the said boy.

"Ask him yourself woman" he rudely replied and focused on going to the other part which was soon stopped when rosé grabbed his arm tightly.

"Where is Jeongwoo? Where did that cousin's of yours took him?!"

"Haven't I said..ask him yourself? And don't touch me with your dirty hands" with that, Yoonbin slapped rosé's hand away, and that caused for her to lose balance because of the hard slap and fall to the ground.

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