chapter 16

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Jeongwoo ran inside like a small child and jumped on the couch. "Yah! Park jeongwoo, stop jumping around" Haruto said taking off his coat, jeongwoo ignored what the Japanese said and stubbornly jumped more.

"This is so fluffy! I like it-" before he could continue blubbering. Haruto grabbed his arm and pulled him down.

"So mean! I'm just enjoying myself" the younger irritatedly hit the Japanese on his chest.

Ignoring Jeongwoo's whines, Haruto walked to the couch and sat down. Jeongwoo pout, crossing his arms.

"That's not fair, Haruto watanabe! I was sick awhile ago and now your being so rude and mean to me!" Haruto looked at Jeongwoo for a second before averting his gaze to the laptop.

"I'm talking to you, Watanabe"

"Aish! Stop talking, my ears are hurting" this got into the tan skinned Korean's nerve.

"Huh! How dare you say I'm loud?? Even my siblings doesn't say it". Jeongwoo walked in a fast speed towards the latter.

But his eyes didn't see a blanket that was in the floor, Haruto is already messy, it's not a surprise he left it there.

Jeongwoo accidentally stepped on it and that's when he slipped and his body fall towards the Japanese. "Ah!"

Haruto quickly looked up when he heard the scream, and soon groaned when he felt a body fall on top of him.

He took off the glasses and looked at the younger with slight annoyance. "The heck?" Jeongwoo blushed because of their position and immediately got up just to fall back.

Haruto patiently waited for the younger to get up but guess his patients is for nothing.

"Tsk! Can't even remove a necklace" Haruto grabbed his necklace that got stuck with Jeongwoo's one and untied them.


"W-would you like to have something? I can cook" the tan skinned asked trying to calm the awkward atmosphere.

"Do whatever you want, just don't burn the kitchen"

"Tsk! I won't!!" Jeongwoo looked at Haruto for a second before going to the kitchen that was a little far from the living room.

"I don't understand why he is still like that!..but- oh well that was embarrassing, I should be more careful next time" jeongwoo heave a sigh and roamed his eyes around then refrigerator.

"Tteokbokki, won't be bad right? Hm..I should go with it" jeongwoo smiled and grabbed the needs of tteokbokki.

And started making it. Haruto who was in the living just observed from afar, how jeongwoo was cooking.

"He sure would make a good wife?" The latter chuckled at his own words, he tried not to make anything obvious at how he is looking at Jeongwoo, but still his sight never left from the younger.

When, jeongwoo was done making tteokbokki and some other korean dishes, he putted them no the dining table.

"Haru~ dinner is ready" Haruto, who heard jeongwoo, didn't go to the dining table and sat on his place.

Jeongwoo was getting annoyed 'cuz he kept calling but the older didn't seem to care. "Than die! No need to eat!! I will eat all by myself..." Jeongwoo expected the Japanese to rush to stop him but there was no sign of the latter's presence.

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