Chapter 4

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Going up the rooftop the heartthrob flopped down himself into the ground, it was sunny weather, the sunlight got into his nerves.

Not being able to stan the sunlight, the boy walked towards the bench that is right beside the wall, meaning that the sun won't bother him.

When he sat down he pulled out his cigarette as usual, closing his eyes the latter started smoking.

Suddenly the cigarette in his hand was being taken away, haruto immediately opened his eyes with an irritated look.

"the heck?! Give that back you bitchy idol!" haruto's words really were harsh, but jeongwoo didn't care, the boy looked at the cigarette before crushing it down the ground.

"you bitch!" haruto stood up and grabbed jeongwoo's neck harshly "ack- h-haruto s-sto-p" jeongwoo's eyes became teary when haruto's hold tighten.

"p-please~" when a tear rolled down jeongwoo's eyes the hold on his neck loosen. Haruto took one step back and turned his heels away, "pathetic, tch"

Jeongwoo coughed slightly and glanced at the empty stairs, haruto was already gone..

"he is so stubborn! I'm just being kind but he? He only hurts me" the latter fumed in anger, but it faded when he remembered what he challenged his sister.

"I'm not giving up, I'll make you like me Watanabe Haruto, just wait and see"


When the heartthrob headed to the canteen, he was annoyed because of the stares he was getting from his fangirls and the other students.

Giving a deep scary glare haruto walked to the table his cousin and byounggon were sitting on.

"hi, ru..what happened? You look pretty mad?" yoonbin asked out of curiosity, "nothing bro, just some fucking idol came to the rooftop to ruin my whole day, tsk" yoonbin just nod, and drank his lemonade.

Byounggon didn't ask anything, he must have been aware who haruto was talking about "Park jeongwoo" haruto hearing that name got irritated.

Slamming his hand on the table haruto got everyones attention, "don't fucking say his name! I hate that bitch!" byounggon remain in his poker face, not caring about the younger's behaviour.

Yoonbin just remain looking at the two not caring to even stop the fight that Haruto would create.

Haruto sigh and lowered his head, but no one saw it. "I'm sorry" haruto whispered and left the canteen.

"you should go behind him" byounggon stated, yoonbin obeyed and followed behind haruto.

"hey haru stop running like a llama" yoonbin chuckled, the latter ignore it and fasten his pace.

"oh, so your going to ignore me and act rude huh?" the latter's voice was sternly dangerous. Haruto stopped in his track, and faced yoonbin "aish! OK I won't do it again!" yoonbin raised his eyebrow "sure?" the Japanese nodded hesitantly.

"I forgive you only this time... But remember if you dare do that again.." the tall Korean cheekily gave a smirk towards his cousin who was fuming with anger.

"Fine!" with that being said the Japanese stormed put of the school.

Yoonbin tsk-ed rolling his eyes, he is just holding himself back from killing the stubborn Japanese, if only he wasn't the latter's cousin, the Japanese might have been in heaven or hell by now.

Yoonbin as usual had his both hands inside his pocket as he looked outside the window, being bored watching the stupid nature, the tall Korean turned his heels on the other way, and the first thing he got was a harsh crash on his shoulder.

The latter gritted his teeth in irritation, his fist was ready to hit the person but some people came on the way.

"Yah! Stop you prankster, why are you running so fast!!? Stop Ji!!!"

"hehe catch me if you can"

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