chapter 27

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A week passed since the last time Jeongwoo saw kay and his so called best friend.

And today another day arrived with lots of busy things to do outside home. Even though the hardworking lawyer had a month off, he still wants to work.

"If you really want to work... Then throw away this bag of unwanted things" Jihoon said while pointing at the trash.

"What rubbish! Me? A well known lawyer going out to throw away some.. dirty stuff.. what if someone takes my picture and post it on whatever social media?!"

"Don't be arrogant, Jeongwoo, you don't have to show off just because you're a lawyer, or an ex idol! I also do it, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just do what a human should do" Jeongwoo's smile widen.

"That's what I wanted to hear! I was just joking, don't worry"

Jihoon was annoyed but shrugged it and shoved the boxes on Jeongwoo's arms. "Hey! They are quite heavy, calm your ass down"

Jeongwoo then was pushed out of the door, "so rude" carefully jeongwoo walked down the stairs. Slow like a snail you can say.

"Can you walk any slower? You're acting like you're on your 9 month of pregnancy" jeongwoo glared at Jihoon.

"I can't see anything with this tall box! I don't wanna fall and go to coma" Jihoon sassily brushed his hair behind it's ear. "I'll be waiting for you~ come quickly".


"Phew~ lots of work, this made my hips hurt to be honest" jeongwoo took a small stroll before heading back.

But on his way he saw Hyunsuk. "Hyung!"

"Oh, jeongwoo, you have lost weight? Aren't you eating"

"That's the only thing you noticed? And I did lose weight because I'm on a diet, my days off made me fat"

"You both parks are same" jeongwoo raised a brow. "Jihoon also is dieting, he thinks he gains weight eating even a piece of chocolate"

"Seriously? At least I didn't come to that point."

"It was nice seeing you, Jeongwoo, I'll be going to work now, hand this over to Jihoon and here is your gift. Have a good day" Hyunsuk ruffled Jeongwoo's hair before leaving the building.

"Thank you! I always wanted this!"  Jeongwoo happily made it's way back to the flat.

"Thank you! I always wanted this!"  Jeongwoo happily made it's way back to the flat

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