chapter 17

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And a few days passed by since jeongwoo has been living with Haruto. They went to school but Haruto would pick up jeongwoo before going.

It was nice to live with Haruto, but Jeongwoo sure saw his stubborn and sweet side. Sometimes.

Today, after coming home, Haruto didn't even eat anything and went somewhere and didn't tell jeongwoo, it's not like he has to but jeongwoo gets worried because the Japanese is crazy. Who knows, what if he went somewhere to fight?

But jeongwoo shrugged his negative thoughts remembering that Junghwan and Haruto are now, a little bit fine with eachother.

It was boring, so the tan skin boy got up from the bed and went towards the kitchen to get something.

"Maybe if I make something..? I should try making a necklace, I noticed how Haruto likes wearing necklaces, hehe I will add a butterfly at the bottom" with a soft smile jeongwoo grabbed the things he needs and started making the necklace.

It was hard but hard work always pays of right? So jeongwoo continued.

It took almost an hour to finish. When it was done, jeongwoo wrapped it inside a small box and went to take a shower.

When the sun kissed korean, was done showering and came out of the bathroom, he heard the front door open and a tired Haruto stepped inside.

"Welcome back!" The younger grinned and approached the older. Haruto took off his leather jacket and threw it in a direction before flopping on the couch.

"Tired? Let me get water" jeongwoo rushed to get a cup of water before going back towards the older once again.

Haruto took the glass and gulped down. Jeongwoo just observed his manly handsome visual that was so attractive.

When Haruto noticed Jeongwoo's stares he glanced up and gave a teasing smile. "I know I'm handsome, but no need to stare, you see me all day" jeongwoo tried to hide his red cheeks.

"Anyway..I will be in my room, call me if you need anything" Jeongwoo nod and Haruto left for his room.

"Ha~ I forgot to give him the necklace.. but he is tired..maybe later?"

It was almost night, and jeongwoo prepared dinner, yeah, he cooks now, Haruto said that's why. And jeongwoo guessed, that Haruto likes his cooking but just can't say it. What a tsundere.

After he was done, jeongwoo went towards Haruto's room who haven't came out since this afternoon.

Jeongwoo knocked a few times before he heard the door unlock.

He opened the door and found Haruto laying on his bed. When he stepped inside he gasped and putted his palm on his nose.

The smell of alcohol and cigarette was surrounding the whole room.

"Haruto! Why did you drink? Humph! This smells so bad *cough*" Haruto glanced at Jeongwoo and laughed. "What a weak little kitty"

Jeongwoo glared and got out of the room because his breathing was almost stopping at this point.

Haruto, stand up from his bed and fixed his messy white shirt before approaching jeongwoo.

He putted both of his hand on the doorway and smirked at Jeongwoo. "Why are so disgusted with alcohol? It's good, you should try it"

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