chapter 23

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"so tell me, mrs lee, have you drove your car to the same road, mr lee went to, a month ago?"

"No! I can't even drive.. how can I follow him?-"

"Lie! You did follow him and then killed him, am I right or am I right?" The smirk didn't leave Jeongwoo's lips seeing the woman roaming her eyes around in nervousness.

"Would you say the reason with your own mouth or should I show it?" The woman didn't speak. Jeongwoo rolled his eyes. "You're making me work so bad Mrs lee"

With a slight chuckle, the korean went towards the long desk and opened the laptop then connected it with the court's tv.

And when the video started, jeongwoo folded his arms on his chest with a proud smile.

it ended within a minute, jeongwoo turned off the tv and walked back to the woman. "So what would you say now..mrs lee?"

"As you can see my lord, mrs lee had an affair with mr lee's client. They kept it a secret for eight months before somebody took a picture of them together and sent it to mr lee.." jeongwoo gave a glance at mrs lee who was frustrated and then continued.

"Mr lee, of course got angry and when mrs Monica went back home, there was already mr lee present. They argued for a whole hour.."

"Then Mr lee got a call and went out, mrs Monica grabbed the fruit knife and followed behind him.. right? then thought she got the chance to remove that name out of this world"

"Am I correct?? Look, don't lie anymore. I hate liars" the lawyer looked deeply in the woman's eyes.

"Yes! Yes! It's true! I killed him! He always acted as if I was his maid! That's why I killed him! Now I'm happy"

"Yukk" jeongwoo blurted and stepped back before bowing. "The defence rest in you, my lord" the other lawyer gave a thumbs up.

"With the evidence and truth, mrs monica will get years in prison. Court is adjourned" the two lawyers bowed down and then the judge left.

So did the police officers with mrs lee.

"You did great jeongwoo!"

"Haha you lost and still pricing me??" Rihan nod. "I'm just so happy that the truth came out at the end"


"I was so frustrated, that woman lie so bad and fake tears and I thought she was telling the truth!"

"That's why I don't trust so easily.. I'm working for 5 years and this taught me not to trust anyone so fast.."

" that's the reason, when we first met you didn't trust me, if I have given you a gift you'll check it first" jeongwoo grinned and nod. "You were so suspicious from the start.. couldn't trust you"

"You are so mean. Anyway, let's go, we are the only ones left here" jeongwoo agreed and grabbed his phone before they head out.

The two chatted while heading out but then stopped when a small kid rushed towards jeongwoo.

"Hellou" jeongwoo laughed because of the baby accent. "How cute, hello there little buddy. Need anything?"

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