chapter 10

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The next morning, Haruto got up early in the morning, it was hard but the latter had to wake up since he had a important meeting with his cousin.

Jeongwoo, didn't know about the Japanese leaving, he was sleeping when Haruto left.

And one thing the Japanese did before leaving was writing a small letter about the breakfast and where he was going.

When the Korean woke up, he was surprised to be in a strange place, but remembering the day before he wasn't any more weirded out.

The latter's eyes fall to the letter laying beside the glass of water, he took it seeing the name tagged of his own.

When he opened the letter, his lips form into a faint smile. "You aren't bad..even if you deny it hundred times I'll still say, you aren't a bad person" inside the letter was written. 'Hey, breakfast would be served by the maids you don't have to do anything, and I am going on a meeting, don't wait for me. From Haruto' doesn't this seems like a boyfriend material thing-

Shaking his head, jeongwoo putted the letter on it's place and went towards the bathroom to wash up.

꧁𝒯𝒾𝓂ℯ 𝒮𝓀𝒾𝓅꧂

After eating, jeongwoo searched for his phone that he thought he lost, but luckily he found it inside the wardrobe.

When he was about to close the wardrobe, the Korean spotted something really strange fallen down the wardrobe.

As a curious boy, he picked it up, and the moment he saw what it was the sun kissed felt a sudden shock.

"B-but didn't he say- ....for one year and half huh? Jihoonie Hyung, why did you lie?" Jeongwoo did not only feel like his brother didn't trust him but he also felt hurt that his brother couldn't share this to anyone because he was scared..scared of their father.

"But at least now I know, don't worry I'll never reveal it to anyone, just will act normal, only if my mouth doesn't stutter" he chuckled at his own words, but was serious that he wouldn't reveal this to anyone.

꧁𝒩𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉 𝒯𝒾𝓂ℯ꧂

It was already night, the day passed by the tan skinned staying inside the house as if it was his prison.

He was getting bored every seconds passing by, not even the TV could make his day, he couldn't do anything so just stayed like that.

An hour later Haruto came back, Jeongwoo smiled widely and went towards the front door, and before the Japanese could say anything, Jeongwoo jumped into his arms.

The older was startled and surprised but tried to remain in his poker face, the younger smiled as he hugged the Japanese tighter.

"Why did you come so late? I was getting bored and lonely without you Haru" the tan skinned got silence in response, well by now he was used to this.

"Have you eaten? If not then go fresh up, I have prepared Something for you, but... it's outside the garden, don't come there until I told you to? Okay?" What else could the Japanese do? He didn't nod his head but just hummed coldly and removed Jeongwoo's arms from his waist.

When the Japanese left, the younger excitedly ran outside, he looked all over to see if everything was done, and he was satisfied by the work he had done.

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