Chapter 6

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The Japanese boy's breath became heavy when he had to walk the stairs outside his house.

The heavy body behind his back was already giving him a hard time and just these stairs were left to make it even harder.

Letting out a deep sigh Haruto stepped on the last stair and now was in front of the main door.

"finally, phew~ this damn idol is heavy as hell! Tch" exclaimed the heartthrob as he slowly removed one of his arm and ringed the bell since he couldn't use his key because of Jeongwoo.

Soon enough his butler opened the door with a surprised look, but bowed intensely noticing the sharp gaze from the cold Japanese.

Ignoring the butler haruto stepped inside and made his way towards his bedroom that was in the 3rd floor.

He lives alone with his cousin but they're parents made a giant mansion for them to stay which was really unnecessary because the house is always empty, it was okay if there were more people but it's only the two of them and there bodyguards, the maids and butlers leave after they're shift so the house is always lonely.

In the middle of going haruto stopped and softly pulled jeongwoo from his back and smoothly carried him in his arms bridal style.

The Japanese himself doesn't know why he is being like that, instead of giving jeongwoo to some butler to carry he did it himself. Haruto was obviously confused of his own behaviour but tried to ignore it and just go to sleep for today to give his brain a rest.

Coming to the 3rd floor, Haruto approach his room and swiftly opened it.

Upon arriving in his bedroom haruto gently layed down Jeongwoo's body on the bed, even though both of there clothes were wet, he didn't care.

Haruto made his way towards his walk in closet and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt but for him.

The Japanese removed his white shirt and wore his black t-shirt, grabbing a towel he wiped his hair.

After finishing wearing his pants haruto walked towards the bed and grabbed jeongwoo who was deep asleep.

The taller was obviously surprised when he felt the heat coming from the younger.

"did he caught a cold? Agh what a pain, now what?? I don't even know what I should do when a damn person has fever..." letting out a deep frustrated breath, haruto though of calling his cousin for some advice.

Which he knows he'll get teased at, but now he only wants this pain to be solved so he can sleep peacefully.

Not long before yoonbin picked up, "what's up with the sudden call?" From the other line his cousin asked.

The latter took a moment to know in which situation his cousin was, "are you drinking? Are you at the club?? Gad dang! I couldn't come, and how can you not tell me??!" from the other line yoonbin chuckled while the Japanese was fuming in anger.

"chill, I'm not at the club, I'm in a party with my dad... Business party..." hearing the word 'business party' haruto let out a teasing grin which obviously got on yoonbin's nerve.

"serves you right, cous" before yoonbin could shout, haruto ended the call, forgetting that he had to aks about some advice.

"damn, I'm loosing my braincell since the day I met this guy tsk!" letting another groan.

Haruto lifted jeongwoo's body a little up, and removed his leather jacket before throwing it onto the floor.

Jeongwoo was only wearing a plain water blue t-shirt and that might have caused him to get the fever.

"and now what? I won't remove his clothes though.... Guess i just have to call the butlers" sighing for the 7th time the tall Japanese grabbed a black jumper and wore it since it was cold, and headed downstairs to call for some butlers to change the idols' clothes.

*time skip*

The heartthrob waited in the living room for the butlers to change the tan skinned Korean's clothes.

It took them nearly 20 minutes when they came downstairs, "too late, tsk whatever now go and tell the maids to prepare my dinner, as well as a boul of soup" the butlers nodded and bowed down when the Japanese walked in front of them.

When the tall boy approached his room, he heard sound of someone's sniffing and small cries.

However the Japanese wasn't aware that it was coming from the Korean that is in his bedroom.

But he knew it after opening the door, the Korean was shivering in cold as he wrapped the warm blanket around his body.

Haruto's face was blank, with no emotions he walked towards the younger and shook his body aggressively.

"are you dying? If you want to die then dien in your house don't make me a criminal.. Even thought no one would have the guts to lay there single finger on me, I still don't want you die in my freaking room!!" the loud voice made the sun kissed Korean open his eyes.

And when he did, the lights made him close them again as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"why are you crying now?? Oh, guess even you're god is taking your breath in a aggressive way" haruto grinned, but soon it faded when the Korean grabbed his wrist and looked at him in the eye with his teary doe eyes.

"I-I want t-to *sneeze* g-go home~"

"obviously I want you to get out of my house, but today I can't take you home nor my drivers, for today you'll stay here, and tomorrow you will return home, idiot idol"

After what the Japanese said, jeongwoo let out a loud sob, freaking the Japanese a little, this was the first time he saw someone crying for no reason, yes he saw but it was when he bullied or hurted someone.

"now why the hell are you crying again stupid Idol!?" jeongwoo cried louder and sat up.

"Can't you understand?!! I want you to hug me! I feel lonely when I have a fever!! Now what are you looking at?? Hug! Hug meeeeee~" the sun kissed Korean whined in between his cries and sobs.

The older froze in his place, blinking his eyes twice, haruto looked down at jeongwoo who was acting like a child, even rolling on the bed over here and there.

"the. Freaking. Hell. Is. This.?" haruto was so lost in his thoughts, not noticing jeongwoo slightly grabbed his hand and..

"whoa.. Freaking idol.." jeongwoo pulled haruto down the bed and curled up in his chest.

"now I don't fewl cooold~" the Korean wrapped his arms around the Japanese waist and closed his eyes..

"I miss my mom.. But not anymore, thank you Haru" the new nickname 'Haru' made the Japanese heart race slightly.

"Haru..?" jeongwoo who was laying on his chest, looked up with his eyes closed and smiled.

"yes, Haru.. You're my haru from today..."

"haruto is mean to woo, but woo still forgives him for that, woo wants Haru to be kind and a good man"

"woo hates people who are cold hearted... Become a sweet person for me~and I will alwaaaays louveee youuu"

A/N: wow, Jeongwoo wants his Haru to be sweet and kind.. Will Ruto do it though👀 wait for the next chapter😜 And sorry for this late update. Teubye.

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