Chapter 1

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Dark clothes, face covered with a mask, earphones plugged in, walking towards the locker.

The heartthrob stopped in front of his locker, he slight glanced at the girls who were only drolling.

When the locker opened, bunch of love letters fall out of it, the latter gritted his teeth clinching his fist.

Hands reached towards the letters and pulled all of them out, in just a second.

Love letters were torned apart, thrown into the trash can.

Pushing all the girls out of his way he stormed out of the hallway.

"depressed? Earphones in,volume up. Ignore the world" 

Hands inside the pocket, legs crossed, eyes closed, sitting down the roof, lollipop inside the mouth, wind blowing.

Opening his eyes, they were only emotionless, throwing the lollipop out of his mouth, pulling out the cigarette, lighting and smoking.

It became a habit for the boy, it felt refreshing when he drinks or smokes, addiction..

Finished smoking, crushing it down, pulling the small bottle of alcohol, in one gulp it was done.

"I need a bigger bottle of wine" the smirk grow thinking about the wine in club.

Pulling out hjs phone, dialing the number.

"to the club now, tell that principal we are going out on your way, okay see you later" the call ended, another smirk placed into his face as he made his way to the car.

Walking towards the car, the boy was stopped by a girl, "uh, umm..I love you! I love you really much believe me, the first time I saw you I fall in lo--"

"" the girl froze in her place, getting irritated, he pushed the girl away, that caused for her to fall on the ground.

"h-how can you hurt a girl?!" clicking his tongue in annoyance, glancing coldly at the girl.

"don't care" the short reply from the heartthrob made the girl quite.

Soon he saw a person waving from the other road, putting his hands inside the pocket, walking towards the person in a grumpy way.

"ru? Seriously, you seem like a dead zombie!" but the boy didn't get affected, he is used to being called like that by his team mates.

"don't care, let just go" the older boy nodded as they both hopped inside the black ferrari.

"haru, stop smoking, drinking for a while, it's not good for your health since your still 16-" cutting off the older boy by playing a loud beat music by some random group.

"wow, thanks for cutting my words off, but you know what? This is my favourite song by Treasure" haruto rolled his eyes.

"who is that fuc*ing group?!" the older boy chuckled, but smacked the younger's head later on.

"no bad language, and they are Treasure one of the most popular group in this world" but even after hearing so much haruto didn't look like he was interested.

"whatever" rolling his eyes, pulling his earphones he plugged into the phone before putting inside his ear and closed his eyes.

"wake me up when he reach there, hyung" the hyung nodded and the school heartthrob fall asleep because of the song he was listening, when we were young by some idol he doesn't know, but he only knows that he loves that boy's voice, it felt like heaven, if only haruto could buy him he would have made him his sleeping pill.

One hour pass by quickly, the cold-boy got waked up by his hyung, "we are here" haruto let out a yawn, he unplugged his earphones and opened the door.

Heading inside the club, they were suddenly getting pushed by camera men, flush light from the camera was really bright, the girls/boys suddenly started screaming, getting mad.

Haruto grabbed one of the camera man's coller who bumped into him, showing his deadly glare he was ready to beat the man but was stopped by another strong grip, but he was stronger, getting irritated, Haruto coldly glared at the person.. His eyes were locked with that person without even knowing, same goes for the person.

"I don't like it when someone hurts innocents.." angelic innocent voice was all the tall cold-hearted heartthrob could hear.

Shaking his head once, he finally glared at the boy in front of him

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Shaking his head once, he finally glared at the boy in front of him.

"and who are you to tell me what I  should do and what I shouldn't?!" harshly pulling his arm back, he walked towards the person who just backed away.

"I'm Haruto, Watanabe Haruto! I owe This whole damn city! You don't have to come into the conclusion if you don't wanna get hurt...GOT that?" the boy was trembling, but he didn't gave up and looked at Haruto straight in the eye..

Haruto for the first time in his life felt so shocked, none of the people dares to look at him in the eye like how this boy is doing.

"I hate cold hearted person like you, I don't give a damn if you owe this dang City!!" Haruto clinched his fist, his eyes got darker.

His clinched fist soon made it's way to beat the person...

The idol immediately closed his eyes while his body was trembling, but the punch he expected never came.....

Opening his eyes slowly, he found the cold hearted boy, breathing a little harder while his fist were into the wall right beside the idol.

'he didn't hit me? He hurted himself.....' and the idol was sure when he saw Haruto's palm was covered in fresh red blood.

"o gosh, you are hurt!" trying to touch the boy's hand, he couldn't, Haruto pushed his hand away and faced his back.

"don't ever dare mess with me, got that!" the cold voice of the boy made him shiver in unison.

And soon the presence of the cold boy disappeared into the dark..

"woo, are you okay?? I swear if I saw that bas**** again I will kill him!" the idol chuckled and patted his brother's back.

"I'm fine, hyung, but is he okay?" his brother looked at him in disbelief.

"even after he said all of that, you are still caring about him?! I can't believe you Park jeongwoo"

"yes, I'm Park jeongwoo, and I care about everyone even my worst enemy even if I don't have one"

"this is why we love you so much, Park jeongwoo hip hip?"


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