chapter 25

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It was 2 in the morning when Jeongwoo suddenly craved for sweets. He is really random.

"If I can't eat sweets now then I won't he able to sleep..." With a pouty face, jeongwoo rolled on his bed.

"Buying some chocolates won't hurt right?.. but at this hour, I'm doubtful if any convenience stores are open.."

"But let's check" with a bright smile, jeongwoo walked towards his closet and grabbed his favourite pink hoodie before grabbing his phone and walking out of the apartment.

It was a little cold outside but also refreshing. Jeongwoo pulled out his phone and took a selfie.

"Hehe will post this soon" putting the phone back, the tan skinned went inside the convenience store that was open.

After getting inside, jeongwoo started looking for the chocolates.

Jeongwoo also searched for ice creams. But there wasn't any for his taste.

"Hum.. maybe only vanilla? No, let's get nocciola, my fav" jeongwoo then grabbed the nocciola flavour ice cream and headed to get the chocolates.

The lawyer's eyes roamed around before stopping at a box. It gave jeongwoo some of his childhood memories because he used to eat them a lot.

Tip toeing, jeongwoo tried to get them but only let out a grunt. "I can't reach it.. " and with force jeongwoo tried to grab it but couldn't.

"Aw now how should I get it..?" There is a option, to call the cashier but jeongwoo doesn't want to bother them, after all there isn't even a staff member to look after the shop while they get the chocolate.

"C'mon Woo, you had solved the most difficult case, you just can't lose with a chocolate! Can you?"

Jeongwoo was struggling so much, when he heard a deep and cold voice.

Jeongwoo stopped and glanced with his innocent look.

Jeongwoo stopped and glanced with his innocent look

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"Need help..?" He was a lot familiar to Jeongwoo but the lawyer decided to shrugh it and nod.

The man's long slender arm went up and without struggle grabbed the chocolate box before handing it to Jeongwoo.

Jeongwoo smiled and bowed down. "Thank you so much!" The other didn't reply and stared at Jeongwoo with his icy gaze.

"Um.. is something wrong?" The guy shook his head and back faced jeongwoo.


The other glanced at Jeongwoo who was blushing.

"I-if you don't mind.. can you also hand me that chocolate bar?" The moment Jeongwoo finished saying that, he felt all the blood running inside his whole body out of embarrassment.

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