chapter 26

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It was getting weirder and weirder, after meeting some stranger two days ago, Kay keeps talking about one of his friend.

Jeongwoo shrugged at that time thinking it was only because he loves his friend a lot..

But why was always pointing something at Jeongwoo?

"Jeongwoo let's go and do shopping?" The lawyer was a little hesitant but then nod.

"But why so suddenly?" Jeongwoo questioned. "Just want to.. also because I want you to meet someone"

"Someone who?"

"You'll know soon.."


And hour of shopping, jeongwoo glanced to see if there was any restaurant. "Kay, I'm hungry, let's go and eat? I'm also tired" the taller nod before they went towards a restaurant inside the mall.

"Oh.. this is exactly the place where I called my friend to come" jeongwoo made an ‘oh’ sound, not really interested.

They went inside and sat on an empty table before taking a look at the menu. Jeongwoo choose spaghetti with a cold drink while Kay ordered a simple juice.

"Why don't you order something else?" Jeongwoo questioned. "Not really hungry, before we came here I ate a lot because my mother didn't leave my side till I ate" he chuckled.

"Having a mother is really fun right? You can talk to her.. embrace her when feeling sad or happy.. tell her the things going on your life.. isn't it great to have a mother?" Kay nod but then decided to ask out of curiosity.

"Is something wrong with your mother? I'm sorry I just wanted to ask.. you know some mothers are different-"

"It's not like that.. my mother was one of the sweetest.. but she left the world when I turned 6" Kay's face turned into a look of guilt. "I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine, I'm just unlucky.. at everything, but still I would thank god for making me see this world and meet most of the amazing people"

Kay smiled a little. "You are so sweet, I'm sure your mother was amazing"


Kay lazily glanced at his wrist watch. "Where is this boy"


"My friend, I'm also his assistant" Kay said proudly. "Really? That's good, your friendship would last long"

When they were in the middle of talking, a deep voice interrupted them. "Late but it's okay" that's what he said.

Kay looked up with an annoyed expression. "At least learn to say ‘sorry’ so annoying, anyway have a seat beside Jeongwoo"

The one who was just called, looked at the front then those wolf like eyes went up and met with a freezing eyes.

Jeongwoo blinked his eyes because this masked man seemed a lot familiar.

Shrugging the thoughts, jeongwoo gave side for Kay's friend. "Hi, I'm park jeongwoo, what about you?" Jeongwoo held out a hand with a small smile plastered on his face.

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