chapter 24

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After finishing the two days of case, jeongwoo was given a month off.

As a professional lawyer, he won every cases. Jeongwoo would even lose a case if he had to save an innocent person.

That is also a reason why everyone is a big fan of him.

There isn't a thing about this beautiful boy that you could hate, he is just too perfect.

Jeongwoo went towards the car that was parked then smiled at the driver before bowing back.

"Sorry to ask you to come, I'm lazy to drive" the tan skin said with a little laugh.

"No, no don't be!...You may go inside"

Jeongwoo nod and hopped inside. The first thing he did was to stretch "aw my arms are in pain, don't worry body you can rest now.. for a whole month! How exciting is that.. but also will be so boring"

The korean grabbed his phone and watched some videos that seemed interesting before his eyes decided to close and fall asleep like a kid.


This evening, jeongwoo decided to go out with his siblings but.. rosé left for Busan and Jihoon said him and Hyunsuk are going on a date.

They were hurting a single person like him, now jeongwoo doesn't have anything to do.

Placing his jaw in between both of his palms, jeongwoo pout. "I don't understand why can't they give me just an hour.. so mean! Now I'm going to enjoy it all by myself! .. that is not possible.."

With a slight groan, jeongwoo flopped himself on the couch, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

With confusion written on his face, jeongwoo sat up and checked the time before going towards the door.

The moment the door opened, Jeongwoo's eyes fell on a handsome man. The new comer smiled kindly.

"Nice to see you again, jeongwoo"

"Kay? How did you get my home address? Err— come inside" the korean gave space for the other to enter before closing the door.

Kay sat on the couch and stared at Jeongwoo. "Lawyer isn't at work today?" Jeongwoo shook his head. "already done and from tomorrow I have a month off"

"That's great" the lawyer smiled. "Would you like to have some tea?"

"Sure..but just change that tea with a coffee" jeongwoo laughed and nod.

When Jeongwoo left, Kay looked around. His eyes roamed around the room before spotting some of the pictures stood on the wall.

Kay got up from the couch and went to see the pictures. They were really cute, half of them were of Jeongwoo's childhood.

Until his eyes landed on a picture that made him gasp. "Oh wow, he looks a lot younger there.. doesn't look like the current icy one.."

"Hehe imma take a picture and show it to him later on" Kay giggled evilly and took a quick shot.

"Is something wrong?" Kay's phone fell to the ground hearing the voice behind him. "Ah..n-no"

Jeongwoo raised a brow but then shrugged and placed the tray on the coffee table.

Kay, came back and sat down once again. "I needed to ask you something, jeongwoo" the said name waited to get questioned.

"Uhm.. do you perhaps know this guy?" Kay showed a picture of someone who jeongwoo recognised really quick.

"He was a classmate of mine, why?"

"Oh, just wanted to know because he kept messaging me thinking it's you"

"Why is that? He already has my phone number, and how come he got your number?.. that's not possible if no one gave him"

Kay forgot he is sitting in front of a famous lawyer, the lie his mouth said was noticed by jeongwoo immediately.

Kay averted his eyes and laughed awkwardly.

"Eh.. maybe somebody gave him? I donno but I was annoyed when he kept chatting me"

"Oh.. anyway, let's talk something else, I'm already bored haha"

"Can you sing a song for me pls?? I really wanna hear your voice" jeongwoo was caught in surprise.

"I.. I don't know.. I'm doubtful of my voice because it has passed a few years since I last sang. I lost confidence.."

"I'm the only one here.. don't be insecure of yourself because I know you'll rock it!" Jeongwoo slightly smiled then looked around before spotting his guitar.

"Even though I didn't sing for years.. this guitar was always here. Which song you want to hear?"

"Superstar?" With a nod, jeongwoo trailed his fingers on the guitar before playing it by remembering the notes.

Kay's jaw dropped the moment Jeongwoo's mouth opened.

And it lasted for a moment before jeongwoo decided to stop with a blush creating on his face. "Woah! Awesome. It's like I heard an angel sing from heaven!" Jeongwoo felt embarrassed.

"T-thanks I guess.." Kay chuckled and patted Jeongwoo's head. "You're a lot younger than me so just think of me as an older brother. And you have a beautiful voice, don't be insecure about yourself okay? I'm sure you're fans would love to hear you sing once again"

Jeongwoo's head just nod in agreement. "I thought of doing that soon..."

"That's good to hear.. oh, it's getting late, I should leave, have some works to finish. See you soon jeongwoo, and thanks for your hard work"

"Oh, it's nothing hehe"

Kay, then bid his goodbye and left. Jeongwoo felt bored once again the moment Kay left.

"What should I do now..?"

The tan skinned korean, went inside then went towards his bedroom before flopping down and grabbing the tv remote.

He turned the tv on then searched for channels that are interesting.

Jeongwoo, then stopped at the news channel. "The exact same murder again..? I don't understand why everyday there is murdering news? It's scary"

"Pls innocent creature don't get involved in something like this... I just got a month off after a year or more. I don't want to go on my day off and solve it"

"Just want to rest"

And with the ‘just want to rest’ Jeongwoo's body fell back down and fell into a deep sleep.

A tired person could only know how jeongwoo is feeling or his body.

But did the sweet lawyer know a surprise was waiting for him tomorrow..?

A surprise he always wanted to see?

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