chapter 12

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"Harutooo~ you are cute!" A sweet yet cute smile was flashed towards a cold looking Japanese.

"Stop calling me cute, I'm handsome, babe" a confident heartthrob immediately responded.

"Hehe, so confident, but still you are cute!"

"Alright, alright, I gave in, but you are cuter.." the 27th year old smirked at his lover.

"Sheesh~" the younger blushed and buried his face on the latter's chest. Haruto chuckled and stroked his head.

"Tell me Woo, if I were to leave this world and never return again, what would you do?" The grip on Haruto's chest loosened and two pair of teary eyes looked at him.

Park Jeongwoo-- Watanabe Jeongwoo, immediately hugged Haruto. "From God, I would snatch you, I'll make you belong to me again, even if God gets mad. But till as long as I live, we shall never part.."

His every word was so sincere and was straight coming from his heart and it made Haruto happy but a little guilty for making his lover cry.

"Sorry baby, I was only joking... don't cry" the Japanese's voice became soft as he hugged his lover back like his life depends on it.

"I-i could never live without you, never think something so nonsense" Haruto let out a chuckle when Jeongwoo glared cutely with a sniffle.

"Alright, Mrs Watanabe"

"Stop calling me like that!"

"Then how should I call you? You aren't a 'Park' anymore, you are a Watanabe and it already has passed 6 Years since we got married, get used to it already babe"

Jeongwoo still couldn't get used to him being part of the 'Watanabe' even though it has been years since he is known as a Watanbe.

"I'm shy~~" unintentionally his voice became so cute that it made Haruto 'Uwu'

"My baby is so cute! But you know what? Now I wanna replace you as my 'baby' --"

"Then go! You are free, tsk! Ask some disgusting bitches to become your hoe" Haruto first widen his eyes a little but then burst out laughing.

"Y-you did not just thought- Bahahaha !!" Jeongwoo irritatedly looked at his husband.

"What you laughing at?!!" The younger was totally pissed. Usually he has patient but not today, without thinking twice he started hitting the Japanese with a pillow.

"Hahaha you thought I was bored of you? Didn't you! Haha"

"Seriously?! I hate you"

"I love you too"

Heavy sounds of breathing surrounded the quite and dark room.

Haruto held a pair of his hair in frustration and shut his eyes tightly. "Why?...Why Do I always dream something like this? I just don't fricking understand the meaning of this .....everyday I would see something so random...but it feels so real like it would seriously happen....." with a frustrated sigh the latter grabbed the glass of water and gulped it down.

"Sometimes it makes me feel like the dreams are showing my future.....butt if it's really true ...then why is my future so dirty?"

"Omg! Did someone make him mad? He looks so scary, Imma run bye!"

"Hey! Don't go without me I don't wanna die-!"

Students around started to murmur when a murderous looking Haruto stepped inside the school, not even being tidy like usual, made him look even more scarier.

No one dared speak a word to him but just bowed, well everyone expect for a certain someone who just came out of the music class.

when Jeongwoo noticed Haruto, he smiled brightly and rushed towards the Japanese with his usual sweet honey like smile.

All the students eyes went towards the idol in fear, they all gesture him with a hand not to go closer to Haruto but the sun kissed ignored it.

And approach the scary looking Japanese that had just a blank face, well the other students wouldn't call that a 'blank' face nor poker one but it was something totally scary.

"Hi, Haru! ..Ahh!!" As always, Jeongwoo the clumsy boy slipped and was skating dangerously towards the Japanese, but he was lucky that Haruto was there. The elder held his arm before they could crash together, but all Jeongwoo's books fell to the ground making a big mess.

"Ow nouw" the books were a lot, they were mixed with small ones with the big ones so yeah there were a lot.

With a disappointment expression, jeongwoo apologize to Haruto and bent down to pick up his books.

And what was surprising was when Haruto bent as well and started to pick up Jeongwoo's books.

The students widen their eyes in shock, mouth wide open from the sudden shock of Haruto 'helping' someone.

Jeongwoo, smiled and flashed a grin at Haruto. "Thank you, you are unintentionally kind than ever, why is that?" Haruto just scoffed and pushed the books towards jeongwoo and stood up.

"Shut up"

"How? You know I like to talk right? It'll be hard to stop me from talking" the Korean laughed.

Haruto didn't say anything further and just walked past him. "Wait! Ack woah!" And a second hand embarrassment felt the students when Jeongwoo clumsily fell to the ground.

The latter sniffles and stroked his poor rosy nose. "Meanieu! Can't even wait for a second, wahh my kneww hurtss" the tan skinned whined, just to get the Japanese's attention that wasn't far away from him.

But guess it was too late because Haruto already left. "Aish, who would even want to spent their rest of the life with a person like him?..I mean he is not bad but ...he is just a rude and arrogant guy..I could never"

"Why would you even fall for him? Don't you have a boyfriend already?" Jeongwoo looked behind him and found one of his classmate.

"Uh .. actually that was a big fat lie, I was only fooling around, I don't have a boyfriend but I just said that so that guy wouldn't think I'm in love with him y'know"

"Haha that's right, should I help you go to the clinic? Your knees doesn't look that good, are you okay?" The tan skinned just gave a soft smile and shoke his head.

"Don't worry, I'm good, and talking about clinic, then I can handle it. But thanks for your kindness."

"Anytime" his classmate smiled and bid his goodbye.

"Aishhh Haruto I still hate you"

"You love him, don't you?" Jeongwoo got goosebumps when someone whispered that in his ear.

"What?! No!" The sun kissed immediately said to his Hyung, Kim Junkyu and one of the most suspicious member in their group.

"Well, as you say.."

"But just know... Watanabe Haruto would pay for something he did years ago..."


"If I can't kill him... you'll be the one doing it Jeongwoo".


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