Chapter 7

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The Japanese rolled his eyes when he noticed the Korean drifting to sleep once again after blurting some nonsense.

However he didn't push the Korean as well, the latter waited for some minutes for the other to sleep properly so he can get up without waking him.

It didn't took long before the Japanese got up, placing jeongwoo's body inside the blanket.

Walking out the bedroom the heartthrob found his cousin on his doorway while talking with someone, he seemed mad.

Not wanting to disturb his cousin Haruto walked past him, downstairs.

Coming towards the dining table the boy found the table decorated with different kinds of dish of course, without uttering a word haruto sat down the chair and waited..

He doesn't eat without his cousin, it became like a habit just like how he drinks and smokes.

Not long before yoonbin was seen coming down the stairs with a scary look.

"What's with that face? Someone annoyed you?" asked the heartthrob when the tall Korean approach the dining table.

"nothing.." obviously haruto knew his cousin was lieng, but he shrugged it off by focusing on eating.

"I need you to give this to Byounggon" looking up haruto saw a file that looks like a contract paper.

"what's that for? Are you getting married" the Japanese teasingly said as he took the file.

Yoonbin was obviously pissed by his cousin, he couldn't just pull out his gun and shoot it straight at haruto's head.

"Shup up before things get wrong.. You don't want it do you?" coldly the tall Korean said as his dark orbs gazed at the Japanese.

"Tsk, whatever" rolling his eyes haruto putted the file beside him as he continued eating without saying another word, nor yoonbin said anything.

And just like that their dinner ended, yoonbin was the first to get up, he remembered haruto about the file before dashing of to his room.

The Japanese as well got up half finishing his dish, he grabbed the file and the soup that was beside him for Jeongwoo.

And straight headed to the third floor, upon arriving haruto quietly opened the door, and found jeongwoo sitting down the bed while watching the TV.

The wolf like boy was so lost watching something that he didn't notice the Japanese placing the bowl of soup beside him.

"Why did you get up? Aren't you sick" jeongwoo looked up with a pout.

"I'm fine now, and what is that?" the tan skinned Korean asked in disgust.

"soup.." he shortly replied earning a groan from jeongwoo.

"I hate that thing..," obviously haruto was a little taken a back, jeongwoo seemed like a person who would love soups and all.

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