Chapter 2

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'why did he seem so familiar? It seemed as if I saw him somewhere' but soon he ignored the thoughts that were killing him from deep inside.

Byounggon came rushing behind him, Haruto ignored it before stepping inside the Club, byounggon sigh haruto really is stubborn.

The guards bowed down, the boy clicked his tounge in annoyance, grabbing a wine bottle he headed to the couch.

Gulping down every drop felt so refreshing, he roamed his eyes around and it stopped at a certain someone, Haruto called out the person..

"oh, hi ru what are you doing here all alone?" the latter could only roll his eyes "byounggon-hyung is with me, look over there" he pointed at where the oldest boy was standing drinking his red wine.

"I see, we'll I should get going if you don't have any important business-" haruto stopped the other by grabbing his wrist.

"yoonbin hyung, tell me why are you so busy these days? Found a boyfriend already?" he grinned teasingly, yoonbin just glared at the younger.

"I hate dating and you know that really well Watanabe Haruto" haruto shook his head in disbelief, his this hyung is really the most un honest.

"okay, whatever, but eventually you'll find someone soon, that you might even change from being so cold to being cringe yukk" the older boy grabbed his gun and pointed it at Haruto's forehead, haruto just chuckled.

"you wanna kill me?? Then do it if your heart can even handle it, cause I know you love me hyung" the older tall boy clicked his tounge in annoyance and putted his gun back to his back pocket.

"know that I'm busy these days because of being the heir of HA family" haruto nod in underestimate, he can know how hard his cousin is working, he looked up and smiled at his cousin, "take care of yourself" yoonbin chuckled and patted the younger's head "I will, and you do too, and I have to go now, bye see you tomorrow at school" haruto nodded as they bid there goodbye.

After the small conversation with his cousin, Haruto decided to just head home as he felt kind of annoyed at the club, and it surprised the oldest since haruto never leaves club till it hit 1am in the morning..

The night pass by Haruto not having his sleep, and the reason was that idol from before.

Grabbing his earphones he immediately played a song named SUPERSTAR it was in his play list and the music downloader was his mother, who loves music with her whole heart.

Closing his eyes he slowly felt them getting heavy, he doesn't know if it's because he was tired or the fect that he was listening to an angel's voice.

Night pass real quick, morning came like flash, alarm rang right beside the boy's ear, he groaned and grabbed the alarm before throwing it into the wall... This was the 25th time he has thrown the poor alarm clock.

Not caring even a bit haruto decided to go back to sleep, but he was disturbed by a phone call, the tall boy really wanted to break his phone, but seeing the Id-caller he sat up.

"why are you sick man calling me in the morning?" the coldness of his voice would have made anyone scared but the person on the other line just laughed sarcastically.

"sick man? And me? You might like to fix your eyes and first of all your mouth my son, cause your talking with your father and not some random person-"

"but you are one, for me" Haruto heard a groan from his father, that made him smirk "why mad?"

"you are a sick father, so disgusting, why do you even like to have a child when you only want to throw them away like they are some toys? Remember my older brother? I didn't even know him but I know I had a brother who you putted in the middle of a road when he was just born, tch, I don't know him but I know I don't want to see my mom's tears so I promised her I will find him cause I know he is alive-" Watanabe Hirohito angrily shouted.

"he is dead and no one can find him, not even you Haruto!" haruto clicked his tongue in annoyance rolling his eyes.

"and what if I found his safe and alive?" he heard a long pause from Hirohito.

"I would like to make a deal with you Father" haruto heard a hum from his dad as he smirked by the idea came to his mind.

"If I found my brother Watanabe y- I won't mention his name since it's too beautiful for a person like you to hear, mom told me what his name was... Okay moving on, if I found him, you have to give me anything I ask for, I won't tell you what I want now, because in the future there might be some important things so I will leave in here, now tell me are you gonna deal or you'll stay being a coward? Heh" his father toke a long pause once again, haruto was getting a little impatient.

"deal! But if you don't find him in 3 months, you have to listen to me and take over our company, so are you sure you wanna deal" Haruto didn't hesitate to agree.

"now, I have to get up and go to school so bye old man" before Hirohito could even scold haruto for calling him like that Haruto ended the call and got up from his bed.

Wearing the school uniform and eating his usual food that was cola in the morning for drink and a piece of pancake and that's all, Haruto grabbed his car keys and headed towards the garage.

He choose his black Lamborghini, hopping in he started driving in full speed.

In 15 minutes he was in front of the campus, getting out, he found yoonbin and byounggon having a serious conversation.

Not wanting to disturb his cousin and friend, the boy decides to go inside the campus, just to get annoyed when girls started whisper about him.

Ignoring them, he putted his earbuds in as he listened to a soft instrument.

Walking towards the school garden, he found an excellent idea seeing a small piece of paper.

"I would burn those girls letters with this, yeah" the smirk of the heartthrob grow, he pulled out his lighter in a secret way because...

It was a wolf in front, the boy didn't want anyone to know that he loves or adores wolfs, he likes it because they are beautiful, strong, stand for themselves, protect the ones they love and they are cool, haruto really wants a wolf for himself

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It was a wolf in front, the boy didn't want anyone to know that he loves or adores wolfs, he likes it because they are beautiful, strong, stand for themselves, protect the ones they love and they are cool, haruto really wants a wolf for himself... He might get one soon but not a animal.......

"omg! That's so adorable...the cold-hearted heartthrob loves wolfs...He might fall in love with our Human wolf!" haruto froze in his spot hearing the girls voice...

He didn't dare look there way, one step.. Two step.. Three step.. Four step.. Five step.. Six step.. Seven step.. Eight step.. Nine step.. Ten step.. And..


And we know who that wolf is..👀😁

To be continued

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