chapter 33

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A white ceiling greeted the young lawyer's sight.

The adour of medicine made Jeongwoo nauseous. "You're awake.." the voice clearly rang inside Jeongwoo's head making the owner flinch.

The new comer, placed the plastic bag containing some of Jeongwoo's favourite things on the side table and approached the patient.

He softly held Jeongwoo's hand but the younger swiftly pulled away and looked at him in fear.

"Don't come near me! I know why you're here.. just get lost! I hate you" jeongwoo felt more nauseous now 'cause of shouting.

Pushing Haruto out of the way, the younger went to the washroom and vomited only water.

It only took some seconds before jeongwoo washed his mouth and got out and found Haruto looking worriedly but the latter ignored it and went to sit back down.


The younger bit his lips to maintain from crying and just glared at Haruto. "Get away from me.. what else do you need now huh? To make me trust in you once again so this time you could kill my child?? Just get lost!"

Haruto sighed, he thinks it's better to leave now. He stood up and was in front of the door when jeongwoo said something.

"But you know what Haruto...?"

"You can have billions and billions of luxury but.. true love? You could never have that.."

The elder gripped the doorknob tightly and opened it, took a last glance at jeongwoo before going out.

Now that jeongwoo was alone, the tears couldn't help but fall slowly.

"You can find thousands of people to marry, but none of them will love you like I did..none of them will care for you like I did..nobody will..nobody will be patient at to your stubborn behaviour.."

The door again opened, but this time a doctor entered with a nurse beside who was writing something on the clipboard.

"How are you feeling now?" Jeongwoo smiled slightly. "Better.."

The nurse who was beside the doctor, widen his eyes. "Oh my god, did you cry?? Pls don't be sad or cry it's not good for the baby, y'know if you cry the baby would also cry, it's like a connection.."

The doctor nod. "All my support to you dear. Don't be sad, we are always here.. and by the way, I'm Addie, Know Junghwan? Childhood friends"

The one who introduced himself as Addie, smiled. "Nice to meet you.. jeongwoo"

"Already know, Yoshi and Junghwan talk a lot about you, anyway, you should take these medicines and rest.. if you feel lonely just press this button, and vroom we would come!" Jeongwoo laughed softly.

"I will.. thank you"

"No prob, rest okay?" Jeongwoo nod and took the medicine before laying down.


[Two months later]

Currently jeongwoo was fixing the sofa's cushions that was messed by some friends.

"Yah jeongwoo, what're you doing?? You should rest" a panicked doyoung said and pulled the cushion from jeongwoo.

"Pls let me do some things, my body hurts sitting all day"

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