Chapter 5

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"hey~sorry" shouted a Panda looking boy with shorts as he ran, being chased by a group of people.

"tch! Sorry my foot! I don't need your sorry, you should be punished for doing that" even though the Korean said that with a icy tone, he wasn't planning on hurting that boy like he would do if it was someone else.

"I swear this time I'm letting it go.. But if it happens another time.." Yoonbin let out a frustrated groan and turned on his heel.

It seems like this day was to ruin yoonbin's whole mood, this time it was Haruto who crashed his shoulder with his cousin.

Yoonbin glanced towards his cousin with fiercely eyes, scary deep than ocean itself.

"B-bro why you getting so mad about?" asked the tall Japanese clueless about the sudden mood swing of his cousin.

"are you still mad about the way I behaved? But I said I won't do it again!" the Japanese rolled his eyes and it made yoonbin clench his jaw and grab his cousin by his neck collar.

"you should not disrespect me that way... Got that...?" Haruto let out an huff, and calmly removed his cousin's fist from his collar.

"Chill,What's with this devil behavior all of a sudden??" asked the Japanese out of annoyance.

"Just like how that idol ruined your mood, there was a boy that came in my way and crashed on my shoulder! And you did the same exact thing!" Haruto grinned.

"I see, Bro this seems like the start of your Love story~" Before yoonbin could smack his cousin, the Japanese jumped out of the 4th stairs using his own hidden skills.

Yoonbin couldn't resist the anger inside, and so his fist made there way towards the rock wall and punched it multiple times, even after the wall cracked a bit he didn't stop.

He didn't care about the blood streaming down his hand and kept going, it wasn't anything new, the latter has always been doing these stuff to calm his anger since childhood.

It was going too far when the Tall Korean kept remembering what happened today since the morning, it was frustrating, and it caused yoonbin to hit the wall harder, his hands were bleeding like river, but he didn't feel any pain...

"Damn you! Mira!!" the Korean breath heavily lowering his head beside his hand and closed his eyes for a while.

Suddenly hearing the bell ringing, the tall Korean stepped back, and walked down the stairs. It was time to go home, every students happily made there way towards the main gate.

But yoonbin didn't go out, he stood at the first stairs, waiting for everyone to leave so he can peacefully sit at the bench and calm himself.

By the time everyone left and yoonbin walked outside, it started raining.

"the luckiest day ever.. Tch!" the Korean kicked a small rock and sat at the stair outside the school.

He glanced at his wrist and palm that was covered in blood, they aren't dry but rather blood isn't even stopping dropping every second.

Ignoring his hand yoonbin took out his phone, scrolling through the dialler, but stopped when the Korean heard loud footsteps.

He glanced towards his left, his sight was blurry, but it got clear when the person run in front of him.

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