chapter 35

521 33 8

Jeongwoo, was tired today, so the latter decided to go out to for a walk.

Today nobody noticed so that's why It's silence, it's annoying sometimes, they act as if jeongwoo is in the last month when in reality It's only 2 month.

Anyway, jeongwoo walked for 15 minutes and reached a heavenly place, it was very pretty.

As it was 9pm it was dark and that's why it looks prettier.

Jeongwoo was minding his own business when, out someone tapped on his shoulder.

Jeongwoo stopped sipping on his drink and look behind, just to take a step back in shock.

"W-what do you want!"

It was none other than Watanabe Haruto

But something was different in him and jeongwoo couldn't tell what it was but

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But something was different in him and jeongwoo couldn't tell what it was but...jeongwoo knew how much he hates this man.

Jeongwoo was done, so the latter was about to leave but haruto grabbed the younger's and pulled him closer, so close that their faces were inches apart.

Haruto wrapped his hands around jeongwoo's cheeks and stared at the younger with eyes that couldn't describe the emotions he was feeling.

For a second jeongwoo got lost but then quickly pulled away. "After everything you've done to me, you still dare face me?!"

Haruto lowered his head. That's when jeongwoo noticed made the lawyer surprised.

Haruto was wearing their wedding ring...but how's that possible, when they divorced haruto threw it away right in front of him.

Jeongwoo let out a laugh out of disbelief.
"Where did you get that fake ring from?"

Haruto looked confusedly. "What do you mean Woo"

"Don't call me by that nickname, and what's so confusing, aren't you the one who throw away that ring when we divorced?"

Haruto quickly shook his head. "From the day i promised to take care of you till my last breath, i didn't take if off, promise Woo"

"Lier" that's what jeongwoo said, but something was off, haruto didn't look himself...he rather seemed weak, not the strong one jeongwoo knew.

Haruto looked at jeongwoo with a sad smile.."pls can i hug you...Just for a moment...pls..." jeongwoo was hesitant, but than gave in.

Haruto smiled and immediately hugged jeongwoo, tightly.

Jeongwoo felt the pressure on his stomach so the latter pushed haruto slightly. "That's enough.."

"Believe in me woo...i love-"

"But i don't" jeongwoo said straight forward and yanked the older's hand, ready to go...

That's when haruto fell on his knees..

Jeongwoo didn't want to, but the younger couldn't control himself and rushed to Haruto.

The older slightly smiled, he was happy his jeongwoo still cared... "I'm sorry....i couldn't protect you as i promised.." haruto whispered and buried his face on jeongwoo's chest.

"I-i-ve to go now..and pls don't ever come to meet me. I hate you"

The last 3 words made haruto's heart twist. Jeongwoo pulled away from the hug.

Jeongwoo noticed the hurt look but thought it was an act as always "Go home..bye"

Slowly jeongwoo's presence disappeared.

"Jeongwoo hates me...for the one I've been living...hates me..."

A tear escaped from his eye for the first time in years and that's when a metal hit his head.

Haruto didn't want to fight back and let himself get beaten before fainting...



Jeongwoo pulled a pillow and hugged it tightly.

The images of haruto's bruised face, his words, his touch, the ring...everything... He truly seemed the Haruto jeongwoo married.

Jeongwoo touched his stomach. "I don't understand.. What is your dad up to, one time he abandon us and the next minute he acts like nothing happened... What should i do baby?"

Jeongwoo felt so emotional, the latter couldn't hold back the tears and burst out crying.

The night felt so heavy and the thoughts of haruto just won't wash away.


A bottle of water was thrown on a person's face who was tied on a chair.

"Good morning," the guy smirked looking at the weak man. "Do you know how satisfied i feel watching you suffer?"

"Your life is useless now..nobody wants you, not even your lover... I broke his heart badly...It's hard to believe in me- no, you" he started laughing like a maniac.

The one who was tied on the chair gave his murderous glare and it pissed the other person.

"Watanabe Haruto, you ran away this time...don't try it again or else next time you'll be dead"

Haruto smirked and laughed. "I know how to order...i don't know anyone ordering me...I'll do whatever i want" haruto laughed the same way his copy did.

The other haruto, named as Hideaki punched Haruto making the side of his lip bleed.

"Punch me hundred times...but i will not listen to your orders.. Watanabe Hideaki"

Hideaki got up from his chair and punched the wall. "Fuck you!"

Haruto smirked in satisfaction, but soon it replaced with horror.

"You won't listen huh? Alright... Now that i know your weakness... I would-"

"I swear you don't want to see my inner self....hurt my Jeongwoo once...You'll my words...Watabane Haruto doesn't lie.."

Hideaki gave a dearing look at Haruto, before storming out of his basement.

"I'll kill this m******* agh!"

"Just stay safe...jeongwoo" Haruto sighed deeply.

"I love you...i always did...I'm sorry if i broke my promise... But i swear I'll make it up, i promise.."

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