chapter 13

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A tan skinned boy let out a loud sigh and flopped down his bed.

Grabbing a pillow he putted it his head on top of it before closing his eyes. But a moment later his phone vibrated.

Jeongwoo clicked his tongue in annoyance and grabbed the phone and opened his sleepy eyes to see who messaged him at this really wrong time.


'Hey there, Park Jeongwoo'

'who the fudge?'

'oh, me? I'm your future. Baby'

'Don't baby me! And stop texting'

'And what if I don't?'

'I would be forced to kill you'

'Chill, it's only your boyfriend'

'I don't have any since birth'

'And that's better 'cause I'm single
As well'

'So? I don't care and now stop texting
I'm sleepy, let me sleep'

'Wait up thief'

'What did you just say!!?'

'Thief because you stole something'

Jeongwoo huffed at the reply, even though he was sleepy, this stranger was getting on his nerve by calling him a thief.


'And what the heck did I stole? May
I know?'

'Sure, but first you have to tell me,
Do you like Watanabe Haruto?'

'Yes, I do so what?'

'Sincerely, just tell if you like Watanabe Haruto'

'Alright, I don't'

'That's better, now bye my love. See you tomorrow'

'Se you never'

After ending the conversation with the stranger, jeongwoo turned off the phone and immediately went to dreamland.

When the morning came, the tan skinned rushed out of the house after bidding goodbye to his father.

It was already late so jeongwoo took the car instead of walking to school.

Soon when he landed on his feet, the school was right in front of him giving the boy a little relief.

With his energy the boy ran inside and started looking for his classroom.

And after five minutes he found it, with a trembling hand jeongwoo opened the door. The sigh made him even more relaxed, the teacher did not yet came.

With his broken two legs, cause he ran so much. Jeongwoo went towards his seat and sat on it before placing the things on his desk.

With his tired eyes, the Korean glanced beside him to see who is his seatmate. And it shocked him to see a certain Japanese who was sleeping with earphones on.

Jeongwoo smiled a little and tapped on the Japanese's shoulder. "What!" Asked the older in a pissed tone. He then glanced up and found the younger.

"What are you doing? It's class time take those earphones off" Haruto rolled his eyes but even so he took off the earphones. When he did that many gasps surrounded the classroom. "Haruto did not just-"

"Omg he actually did! I can't believe my eyes!! Can you??"

"Nah, never. Am I dreaming??"

Jeongwoo grinned. Haruto clicked his tongue and looked towards the window ignoring the chitchat going on about him and jeongwoo.

The classroom's door once again opened and came in a tall handsome boy in his 15th.

The boy rushed and sat in front of the desk of jeongwoo and Haruto.

"Phew~i was so close to getting in detention" from the back, jeongwoo tapped his shoulder and the boy turned his head around.

"Huh? Jeongwoo Hyung? We are in the same class?? Haha I'm happy" the said male nod and patted Junghwan's head. The whole scene was seen by Haruto.

After class ended, Junghwan got up and grabbed Jeongwoo's wrist. "Let's go and grab some snacks" the sun kissed nod with a smile but then glanced at Haruto. "Will you come?"

"No" His voice was raspy and deep yet seemed so cold. Junghwan rolled his eyes and pulled jeongwoo. "I just want you and me to go..not some stranger coming along" Haruto glared at the male, same for Junghwan.

The Japanese had enough, he got up and grabbed Jeongwoo's left wrist and pulled the Korean beside him.

Junghwan deep glared and pulled jeongwoo towards him.

"He is going with me!"

"And if I don't let go how would you take him?" Haruto smirked.

The tan skinned felt his two arms being ripped, but the thing was, why were they fighting for such a small thing? Haruto is hot tempered but Junghwan isn't like that but still they are fighting?

Haruto grabbed Jeongwoo's arm and pulled the younger in his chest and gave a grin at Junghwan.

"You don't want to start a fight" Junghwan threatened with an annoyed expression.

"Let go off Jeongwoo's arm" Haruto rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Beg getting in your knees then maybe I will"

"Shut your mouth, I don't kneel down in front of some dude like you"

The two stood there for a few seconds glaring at each other. Jeongwoo felt so uncomfortable at their behaviour.

Junghwan broke their eye contact and held a hand for jeongwoo. "If you really do care for me, you will come to me" the Japanese clicked his tongue and looked at Jeongwoo.

"If you really are sincere with your words, you'll come with me"

Jeongwoo was speechless, he didn't know what to answer, he just can't say no to any of them.

So this is how people feel when they have double crushes and two of them ask them out at the same time and they have to choose between one of them.

But this one isn't any movie, nor they are Jeongwoo's crushes.

Haruto let go off Jeongwoo's arm and stood beside Junghwan but a little far away.


"Choose between us"

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