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This book is dedicated to Anu20diaz.

Diaz, thank you for backing me and this story. I wouldn't have come this far if you wasn't there to back this story. Thank you for opening your account for my story. I will always remember that I have a back up plan (or account). Plus, you've always been a good friend. Thanks for that too.

If you are a Solangelo shipper, go checkout her short story. No one can possibly hate it.

This might be my only fanfic for a couple of books, but I am very confident it is great. (Please don't ruin my confidence)

So, a new book for the new year! Hope everyone likes it. (Now that I've typed it, it looks kinda odd, but never mind)

I don't own Divergent or its characters. Veronica Roth does. The cover picture credits also go to the rightful owner. The only things I own are the plot and a few characters.

Okay, let's not waste time and get to the story. Read, enjoy, share, vote and comment!



P.S. : This is also for all of yall who weren't satisfied with Allegiant's ending. Bet that's a big handful.

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