Chapter 15

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Tris's PoV

Bobby throws a punch straight in Four's face. He avoids it easily. He covers his face and stands his ground. Bobby does the same. But before he can attack again, Four punches him in the face. Nothing happens but Bobby grunts in pain. Four punches him again a couple of times. Soon Bobby recovers.

Bobby punches Four in the gut. He groans and takes a step back. Both of the fighters jump on their feet finding a chink in defense. Four is the first to attack again. He hits Bobby in the side which sends him staggering backwards.

The fight doesn't seem to end for a few minutes of punches. I want to yell at Four to attack but he keeps taking Booby's hits.

Then suddenly, Four attacks. He throws a full pressured punch in Bobby's torso and breaks his nose next. Bobby bleeds. He roars in anger and hit Four's mouth. His lip splits and bleeds. He hits Bobby's gut again and sends him groaning loudly in pain.

He doesn't give Bobby another chance. He hits his side twice and punches his face. Then Bobby punch Four in the eye. He falls down from the force and Bobby kick him in the stomach. Four groans loudly and rolls away from him.

He grunts as he tries to stand up clutching his stomach. While he fails, Bobby does a victory lap around the ring causing his students to chant even louder. I run to the side where Four is laying.

"Four, are you okay?" I try to reach him but he's too far.

"So what's the reward?" Bobby bends down and whispers in Four's ear. "The girl?" The whole group howls happily.

Four's eyes shot up at him. He grunts as he haul himself up. His left eye is blackening and he's unbalanced on his feet.

He wobbles a little as he runs to Bobby who wait for the attack. Four pushes Bobby and pin him to the ground. He punches every part of him without a break. He doesn't stop. He is bleeding and I am pretty sure he has broken bones.

"Four!" I shout from outside. "Stop it!" I am scared that he might kill him. But Four doesn't stop. Bobby is unconscious now.

I duck under the cables and grab Four. I try to pull him away from the limp man but his resistance is stronger than my pull.

"Stop it! He'll die!" I yell and Four finally give in. I yank him away from the man and drag him out of the ring.

Bobby's students half carry him to the exit and out of sight. Four almost fall to the ground if I hasn't caught him.

I swing his arm over my shoulder and take him to the bench. I give him some water after I make him sit. He drinks it slowly and leans against the wall panting and bleeding.

"Are you alright?" I ask as I examine his black eye. "Come on, let's go to the hospital." I try to make him stand up.

He swats me off and grunts. "No need."

"What do you mean?" I demand. "Your eye is bruised and you probably have bruised ribs. We are going to the hospital."

He shrugs me off again. "I'll go to the hospital alone if you go home."

I know I don't have time to argue. "Alright." I sigh.

This time he lets me help him to get out of the building. We almost trip on the way down the stairs but we reach the road safely.

Four ignores his bike and waves down a taxi. He don't let me protest when he tells the driver my address. We pass his flat and head to my house.

"Take him to a hospital." I order the driver as I get off.

Four is clutching his stomach with closed eyes. "Go inside." He says.

I want to stay until the car drives off but I know the more I try to be stubborn the more it will lead him to bear the pain longer. I give him a concerned look and walk into the house. The vehicle doesn't move until I close the door behind. I sigh and drag myself upstairs ignoring Morgan's questioning looks.

What do yall think? ;) This is my favorite part of the whole story...

COMMENT! VOTE! ENJOY! (Because Four fought for yall)

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