Chapter 26

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Tobias's PoV

My back with the seals of all the five factions from Chicago. The tattoo that explains almost everything from my old life.

Christina shots up but doesn't try to walk to Tris. I ignore Christina and look for any signs of recognition on Tris's face. Her eyes are wide and her mouth hangs open. All of us are frozen including Evelyn who just appeared from the kitchen.

Then Tris's knees buckle and she crumples to the floor. I dash to her side and prop her head on my lap. She's breathing heavily and her eyes are still wide and big as big pebbles.

"Tris," I whisper. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Then suddenly she starts gasping for air. "Evelyn, call an ambulance!" I yell. "Tris, stay with me. Please don't pass out. Don't pass out. Don't pass out."

Then she tries to say something through the gasping. "Tob-" gasp. "Obi-" gasp. "As!" Then her eyes roll into her head and she goes limp.

Tris's PoV

I try to fight the darkness, but fail miserably. It's heavy and senseless. I can't remember the reason I need to fight. I only remember that it is very important. I can feel that piece of information slipping away from me just like the rest.

After moments, I forget everything completely. Every single thing. I don't remember anything about me, my family and friends. Somehow I feel like I am used to this emptiness.

I see nothing but black. I can't feel my body. I try to find my fingers, but fail. It feels like I am floating. Am I dead? Maybe this is what after life is: pure blackness for eternity. I can't move. I don't know if I'm standing or sleeping or walking. I simply feel like air.

I stare into the blackness neither enjoying it nor hating it. This place seems strangely familiar and livable.

I am breathing and I can hear a drumbeat. It is distant but clear. I don't know its source. It is the only thing that exists in this place except me. Maybe I am not even here. Maybe the only thing here is the faint but clear dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum of a leather bass drum. I don't get bored as I listen to the drumbeat without an origin.

Tobias's PoV

I sit next to Christina on a chair at the hospital and lean my head against the wall behind me. The doctors took Tris into the emergency room, so we have to wait outside.

I called Morgan and Harry as soon as I could. They are on the way right now. I know Morgan is going to hate me after this incident, but all I care about is Tris.

I am the one to blame anyway. But I am too worried to get angry at me. If something happens to her, the guilt will crush me to death. They didn't tell us anything before they took in Tris's motionless but breathing body inside the double doors.

"Will she be fine?" Christina asks slowly staring at the ground.

I am relieved that she doesn't ask me to explain everything. I am not in a great condition to do that. "I don't know. This happens when she gets too much or shocking information." I sigh and turn to her. "Christina, I'm sorry I hid everything from you. I didn't mean to hurt you.

"Tris has amnesia. She doesn't remember anything, even who she is. I was afraid to tell anyone know about her. I didn't want them to fill her with all the information.

"The doctors said that if she gets too much details, she might fall into a coma. I was so scared for her life. Forgive me if you can." I hang my head.

She smiles. "Don't ever say 'sorry' and 'scared'. It doesn't suit Four."

I chuckle without humor. "So are we cool?"


I relax. "Then let's just hope Tris survives."

Christina shakes her head. "Not 'hope'. She will survive. Tris is a fighter."

I nod. "She is. She's going to survive. She's going to walk out of the hospital on her own legs."

Morgan and Harry arrive after a few minutes and I stood up avoiding the two pairs of eyes. "What did you do to her?" Morgan advances on me shouting. She runs to me and slap me. My cheek burns but I don't do anything. She hits the same spot again. "What did you do?" I clench my jaw as her hand connects my face for the third time.

She lifts her hand for another attack, but Harry grabs her and take her a few feet away from me and Christina. She stops struggling quickly, but doesn't hide her furious breathing.

"What happened?" Harry asks in a calmer voice while keeping one hand on his wife's arm.

It takes a ton of bravery to look him in the eye. "She came to my house and suddenly passed out." I inhale silently. "I... I think she remembered something."

Harry's mouth hangs open. I thought Morgan has reached the extreme of her anger, but I am wrong. She charges again and slaps me hard twice before Harry can drag her away. She screams curses at me which I ignore. It takes a moment for her to calm down.

But all of our attention turns to the doctor when he comes out of the room. I run to him before everyone else.

I'm gonna give you a heads up: there are only 5 chaps left! (+ the Epilogue)

You excited kids? I'll let you know when the story is complete so you can read in peace without me suddenly dropping chapters on Thursdays like hydrogen bombs. Lol

Read, enjoy, share, vote and comment. I'd love to know your opinions on this.

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