Chapter 16

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Tobias's PoV

"But she told me to take you to a hospital." The driver says when I tell him my address.

"Who's paying you?" I ask and he falls silent.

I lean my head against the door and close my eyes. My whole body is aching. Specially my stomach. I know nothing's broken but even the tiniest movement makes every part of me scream.

The lip has stopped bleeding and I can barely see through my left eye. Some ice will help and I am thinking to rest the whole Sunday. The bike can wait near the gym. The key is safely in my pocket and let go of any hope of going back to that gym.

The physical pain was nothing compared to the hate that I felt towards the boxing trainer in the ring. His words still ring in my ear like an echo: 'What's the reward? The girl?'. Those were the ones which made me get back up on my feet again. The pure hate that I felt towards him for even thinking of such thing. Those motivated me to punch the life out of him. In fact, I almost had if Tris hadn't dragged me away from him.

But now I no longer feel hate. Now, I'm surprised how unfazed my feeling towards Tris are. The need to make her happy and the need to give her what she wants. Protecting was never there and still isn't. I knew better than anyone that she didn't need protection. Now there is something I've never felt: responsibility.

I feel responsible for Tris because of the fear of losing her again. If I had been responsible enough to tell Caleb to be the only person who released the serum or better, if I had stayed behind. These are the only things that drives my responsibility: the fear of seeing her motionless, the fright of seeing her eyes leaving their energy and seeing her small frame lifeless. Again.

The car comes to a stop. I crawl out of it and pay the driver. He seems concerned about my condition but I've been through worse. I don't wait for the change.

I get second looks as I walk inside the elevator. I examine my eye on the wall mirror. My eye is pretty bad. It was swelling and I could no longer see from that eye. I lift my shirt up to see a very purple torso. That can settle down for a cream or some ice too.

I stumble out of the lift and into the apartment. I walk into the living room and see Evelyn standing up from the couch from my good eye.

"What happened?" Evelyn exclaims.

"Nothing." I mutter and go inside the kitchen. I take a cloth and put some ice in it.

"Do you need a doctor?" She asks as I smash the ice on the counter.

"No. Just some bruises. It'll be fine after a day's rest." I drag myself to my room.

"Okay. Let me know if you need something." She calls after me. I don't answer and lock the door.

I know she is very scared. But she knows better than to come interrupting in my life too much.

I remove my t-shirt carefully and slowly lower myself on the bed. I lay on my back and press the ice pack gently on the eye. Pain shots throughout my head. I take it back groaning. I take a few deep breaths and place it again. It hurts but I don't take it away this time.

The pain lessens after about a half an hour. Then I bring back more ice and place them on my torso. I doze off with the exhaust, numbness and cold.

I wake up next time and it is already morning. The ice pack has fallen down and only the cloth lay there.

I splash water on my face and examine my eye. It is better than before. I can see properly and the swell has disappeared but it is still black.

I grab the t-shirt from the day before and put it on before heading to the kitchen to scavenge leftover breakfast.

"Feeling better?" Evelyn asks when I sit down with a couple of toasts. I nod and start eating.

"Tris called." I look at her. "She told me everything. She is worried and told me to make you call her." She walks out of the kitchen. "Don't get into fights much. They can still banish you since you're GD. At least think about others when you do such things." I keep my mouth shut.

I call Tris when I get back after a quick bath. She answers after the first ring.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine."

"How's the eye?"

"Better. It will disappear after a few days."

"Is your stomach alright? He punched you pretty hard."

I decide to lie. "No bruises except the eye."

"Why didn't you go to a hospital?" She starts on the unavoidable.

"There was nothing serious. I didn't want to go bothering the doctors."

She grunts in frustration. "You're so stubborn." I smile. "Are you good to come to school tomorrow?"


"Frank killed me with papers yesterday." I chuckle. "Okay then, come to school tomorrow. Bye."


One more cliffhanger chapter coming right up and I'm out!

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