Chapter 12

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Tobias's PoV

One day, after school, I wait for Tris by the school gates. She arrives with that little friend of hers. Why is he following her everywhere she goes like a pet? I stop myself from breaking Frank's nose and smile at Tris.

"What did you say you want to show me?" I ask her.

"A place I found out a few months ago." She answers.

She called me last night and told me to wait for her after school. She said that she want to show me something.

"Where?" I ask.

"I'll tell you." She turns to Frank. "Coming?"

He smiles too much enthusiastically. "'Course!"

"Great. I'll tell you the way. Four can follow us." She says and both of us agree.

Frank and Tris gets inside his small car and drive off. I get on my bike and speed after them.

Soon I am exiting the highway and heading towards a ruined part of the city. I have never been there before.

The buildings are falling apart. The road is covered in rubble. Vines and ivy are growing on the walls and buildings without control. The street lamps are old and rusty.

The place looks just like the part in Chicago where the factionless used to live. Maybe this is abandoned because of the damages from war.

I slow down a little as the car does the same. We drive into the ruins for a few minutes when Frank's car stops near a building.

He and Tris get down from the car and she waves me to come too. I kill the engine and walk towards them.

"Can you climb?" She asks as I come to a stop near her.

"What do you mean?" Frank and I ask at the same time.

It is a four story building with a single window in each floor. It is small and square. Two foot broad cement ledges separate each floor from the other. It is ruined like the others. The cement was broken in some places and ivy covered almost every spot of the cube. But its glass door and windows were good as new.

"It's the shortest building on the right spot." She explains. "The glass is bulletproof and the doors are locked. Only way up is the walls."

"What?" Frank and I exclaim in unison and both of throw each other disgusted looks.

"You can leave if you're scared. But I'm climbing." She doesn't wait for our responses and walk to the building.

She grabs a thick wine near the glass door. She pulls it hard confirming its strength. Then she jumps up and grab the highest part of the vine she can reach. She hauls herself up and keep his feet in the holes of the wall which are big enough for footholds.

"Tris," I say.

"I know you are afraid. You can leave if you want. No offence." She grunts in effort as she hauls herself three feet up from the ground.

"I am a Dauntless." I take her statement as a challenge. I follow her example and start climbing up after her.

"What choice do I have?" Frank mutter and grab a strong vine.

The accent is slow. It takes a few minutes to reach the first floor. I stop for a moment to catch my breath. My palms are raw from gripping the vine.

I begin climbing after a few moments. Frank almost slips a few times but I concentrate on me. Main rule in climbing when you're afraid of heights: do not look down no matter what.

When I am half way through the third floor, my right foothold breaks, and I slip. I wrap both my hands around the vine tightly and save myself. I am dangling thirty feet up from the ground.

I gasp as nausea comes. I shake my head and force my foot to find another foothold. When I do, I turn over and close my eyes focusing on my breath. The nausea lessens and I continue after Tris.

After a long hour, Tris reaches the top with me few minutes after her. Frank arrives last panting and complaining.

"Why did you make us climb this stupid building?" He bents down resting her hands on his knees.

"For this," Tris walks to the side of the roof top which faces west.

We walk towards her to see the breathtaking view. The sun is setting into the buildings of the new city reddening the evening sky. Light reflects from the glass buildings making them glitter like diamonds. Almost the whole city is visible from the distance. I can see the highway and the baseball stadium.

"It's beautiful..." I can't take my eyes off the scenery.

"I know." Tris is spell bounded as I am.

"Amazing." Frank says and takes a picture of it from his phone.

"It stays like that for a while." She says and walk to the very edge of the roof.

She sits down with her feet dangling over the top. Frank follows her and sits next to her. I don't go but sit a feet away from the edge.

"I love sunset." She says to no one in particular.

"You do?" Frank asks. I have to admit that I didn't know.

She nods. "It's always beautiful to watch. Found the place when I came out alone."

When the sun is almost set, all of us climb down. The descend is harder. I am forced to look down to find footholds.

This time, I am the last to touch the ground. My raw hand are a little shaking after the terrifying climb. But I smile anyway. Frank takes Tris home and I head to my apartment alone.

Now this was the cover all about, a stupid sun... Very promising eh? *jumps off the same building knowing I can't do that


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