Chapter 13

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Tris's PoV

"Do you have tattoos?" I ask as he turns into the highway.

"Yeah. And I am not showing them."

I punch him on his back. "Jerk."

"You can't complain because you forced me to do this."

Yes, I made him take me to his apartment. I am avoiding Frank for the day because he is forcing me to help him with his Media Unit work and it is a headache. He's got at least a day of writing announcements and records of the unit since the day it started.

I chuckle. "I know you have hidden every object that can give me headaches. But, I'm not going to get you away that easily."

"I can't believe I am doing this." Four mutters. Then after a few moments, he says, "Since I am doing what you asked, you should follow one rule."

I am suspicious. I frown. "What?"

"You can't ask, find or mention anything but things from the last two years until you leave."

"What?! That's not fair!"

"It is more than fair."

"I'm not doing it."

He simply shrugs. "Okay then." He turns the bike to head back the way we came.

I shake him. "We're going the wrong way!"

"Nope. I'm taking you back to your house. To Frank."

I gasp. "That's blackmailing." He keeps driving. I sigh. "Okay fine! I agree!" I spit.

He nods his head in satisfaction. "That's better." Then he turns the bike back and heads the correct way.

I slump my shoulders in defeat until he stops in front of a flat. It is old and small. We get off and I follow him to the elevator.

Four's apartment is on the ninth floor. He unlocks the door and opens it for me. I walk into the living room. The kitchen and the living room is separated from a small counter. Evelyn Eaton is working on a laptop on the couch. When she sees me, she closes it and walks to us.

"Amy," she says and looks at Four for an explanation.

"She's tired of her boyfriend." He says.

"No, it's not like that, Evelyn. Frank is forcing me to do his work and Four helped me to run away." I smile.

"Great boyfriend huh?" She asks.

I nod a little. "Sometimes." This time Evelyn laughs.

"Do your parents know you're here?"

"Yep. I told Harry." I couldn't tell Morgan because I know she would overreact.

"Did you have lunch?" I shake my head. It is nearly one and I am starving. "I just finished cooking. You can eat first then." She leads the two of us into the small kitchen where a round table with three chairs is waiting.

"What do you do, Evelyn?" I ask as we start eating.

"I am writing novels. I don't know anything else. T-Four here is the only one who can manage any job."

T-? Does Four's real name start with T? "What are you writing?" I ask because of Four's look. He looks at me if I has caught what Evelyn said.

"Mostly about the society. All the GP and GD differences and how unfair some people are towards GDs."

"Are you GD?" I ask.

"No. I'm GP." She smiles. "Will they let me live here if I was GD?"

I nod. "That's true."

Then we finish lunch and Evelyn sets a chocolate cake fresh out of the oven on the table. Four rubs his hands together and cut out a large piece to start on it.

"What's with you and cake?" I ask as I take a small piece myself.

He shrugs without saying anything. "Dauntless did that to him." She says as if she doesn't know Four from Dauntless. Four throws her a dangerous look and she looks away in guilt.

"Wasn't he born Dauntless?" I ask.

"Remember the condition?" Four raises his eyebrows at me.

I sigh. "Your son is a headache sometimes." I whisper to Evelyn while for attacks another cake piece.

"He is." She answers smiling sadly as if she has lost him. What has happened between this mother and son? There must be a story behind them and I must find out.

"What do we do now?" I ask when we finish eating.

"I don't know. You're the one who wanted to come here." Four says.

"You know how to fight right?" I ask after a few moments of thinking.


"Then teach me some moves." He looks uncertain for a while.

"It can't cause any harm Four." Evelyn pushes. I smile at her.

He thinks for a moment. "Okay. Can't harm you. But we're not doing it here. I don't want you breaking stuff."

"Alright. Where?"

"There's a gym nearby."

I'm going crazy kids! :D

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