Chapter 9

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Tobias's PoV

I feel the family's tensed stare on my back until the house disappears in my side mirror. I am fully aware of Tris's arms around me and her breath against my neck sending electric waves as we speed into the sunset.

"What is it?" Tris asks from behind when I take the turn from her street.

"Where are we going?" I ignore the question.

"I thought you had a plan." She says into my ear over the wind. I feel a tingle run through my body.

"Oh, I thought you had a plan. I came here only a couple of months ago. You know places here than I do." I turn my head so I can see both her and the road. "Do you have a plan?"

"Actually I do. I made a backup plan just in case if you turned up clueless."

"Good. Tell me. Where to?"

"La Rose'." She tells me. "The food there is die for. Have you been there?"

"No." I say. "Anywhere else?"

"No. I have curfew."

I feel a little sad. "That's a bummer."

"It's enough. The whole point of this is getting to know each other right?"

"Is it?" I ask turning to her.

I can't help but stare at the face I missed for two years. She isn't the prettiest of the girls I have met, but she is the only girl who was brave enough two years ago to take my attention.

She turns me head around with her hand. "Look at the road when you drive. Both of us will die if you insist on admiring my face."

A rush of embarrassment runs through me and I quickly looks back at the highway.

I follow her directions to the small café inside an ally. The place is crowded compared to the location and size.

It has portable tables with plastic chairs. They are occupied with couples and a few families. Some of the tables are set outside since all the space inside is occupied. Small potted plants decorate tables and the widows. Through the glass, I can see men and women in white uniforms and red aprons jogging around taking orders and serving steaming food.

"Come on." She tugs my jacket and get down.

I get off and both of us remove our helmets. I walk to the door and open it for Tris like a gentleman. She suppresses a laugh and walks in.

I talk to the man in the small counter and he gives us a table in a corner of the shop.

I take the menu. "What do you recommend?" I ask her.

"The sea food noodle and the double decker sandwich." She tells me. "What do you want?"

"I'll take the sandwich."

"Noodles." She says. A waiter takes our order and goes away.

"So why is your name Four?" She asks me.

I think for a while. That information can't hurt her. "You know the Dauntless fear simulation?" She nods. "I had only four fears. That's why they started calling me Four for four fears."

"Is four fears normal?"

"No. Usually it's around ten."

She raises her eyebrows in awe. "What are they?"

"Am I supposed to be telling you all this?" I frown. "Everyone says you'll end up in a coma if I tell you stuff."

She slaps her forehead. "Give it a rest. You are just like Morgan and Frank. I demand you to tell me stuff."

I chuckle. "I'll tell you only the stuff I think healthy for you."

She sighs. "Okay, whatever."

"My fears are heights and confinement."

"Claustrophobia and heights?" She laughs. "You seem too tough to be scared of elevators." I throw her a look and the laugh dies out to a forced straight face. "What are the other two?"

"I won't tell you." Marcus comes with a story and the other might scare her and take her back to the hospital.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm not allowed to know about myself." She mutters.

Then I force her into our present lives. She tells me about Morgan, Harry and Frank.

I heat up when I hear that they are dating. I never thought Tris would end up with someone as annoying as that guy. I want to tell her everything and destroy their relationship. But I can't risk her life on such a stupid matter. Then I tell her about me and Evelyn living in an apartment and how I got the job in Janus.

2 Chaps because I'm not okay :) Hope you enjoy...

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