Chapter 29

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Tris's PoV

The action sends shivers through me, but I ignore them completely. Then both my hands move to the tube in my nose to remove it carefully. Then I am free with external objects inside me.

I slowly bring my arms under my body and try to lift myself into a sitting position. I grunt as my arms fail and I fall back on the mattress with a muted thud. My arms are aching from the movement. I am exhausted, but I try again. This time, I keep my arms steady as the pain reduces into a numbness.

I sit myself up and take deep breaths. When I feel my strength coming back, I slowly guide my legs to the edge of the bed. They fall onto the freezing ground. I slowly lean my whole body on to them.

I lose balance and almost fall if I haven't grabbed the headrest for support. I look at Morgan for any signs of waking up, but she is comfortably dozed off. If she wakes up, I won't be able to do anything. She's kind of overprotective that way.

I catch my breath and take a shaky step holding onto the headrest. My knee wobbles so I have to grab the table beside me. Something touches my hand before I try to walk again. I turn to see my phone.

An idea comes to me. I take the phone in my hand. It weighs a ton as I go through the contact list. When I find the right number with the wrong name, I inhale and dial it. The call is answered after a half a ring.

"Hello?" He is breathless. "Is she okay? What happened?" Tears leak out of my eyes at the sound of his voice. "Hello?"

"Tobias?" My raspy, quiet voice breaks at the end. I hear him catch his breath. He is silent for a count of ten. Then I hear the phone clatter on the floor before dying.

A soundless sob escape my mouth. I let the phone fall to the ground as I head for the door of the room.

"Amy?" Morgan gasps when the sound of the phone hitting the tile wakes her up.

I ignore her and open the door. Morgan runs to me and pull me into a hug. I struggle to free myself, but I am very weak so I do the only thing I can do.

"Get off me!" I shout. Morgan is taken by surprise. She pulls away quickly looking hurt. Her eyes are glossy with happy tears.

"Okay. I'll call the doctor. Get back in the bed."

"No. I have to go." I turn and step out of the room. The hall way is brighter than the room, but I stumble down the slippery floor without hesitating. I get a few confused looks, but the place isn't crowded at night. My leg muscles burn from the extra work, but they are ignored.

I keep one of my hands on the wall for balance and after a few feet, the burn dies out and I get better at keeping my body steady and vertical. I am panting when I reach the elevator. I punch the down headed arrow and lean against the wall waiting for the doors to open.

The tears haven't stopped. I let the sobs come out noisily and I taste my tears. I just need to get to him. Run to him and never let go. His arms are the only things I crave now.

I am watching tear drops fall on the white tile around my feet when I hear Morgan calling me by my fake name. I lift my head to see her running towards me surrounded by group of four nurses. I hit the arrow button again and again, but the elevator is coming down from the eleventh floor. I look back and brace myself for resisting.

"You need to get back in the bed, miss." One of the nurses says.

Morgan nods along as another one says, "There are a few tests we need to run."

"No. I need to go." I say firmly.

The first nurse shakes her head. "No, miss, you need rest. Your body is too weak."

Just then the elevator dings to a stop. "No." I say and turn to the opening metal doors. When I try to step in, two nurses grab my arms.

I fight against their iron grips. They are correct one thing, my body is too weak. "Let me go!" I scream. They try to drag me away from the elevator, but resistance is strong.

Somehow I find the strength to free my right arm free and push away the lady on my left. Surprisingly she falls down. The other three quickly grab me. I scream and manage to hit the one on my right on the face. She stumbles back holding her nose in her hands.

Then I smash my head on the face behind and judo flip the last standing nurse. I dash to the elevator exhausted from the fight. When I am about to pass the sliding doors, someone grab my arm. I turn to see Morgan giving me a pleading look.

"Amy, you need rest." I shrug my arm off her.

I step inside, but Morgan doesn't follow. I push the ground floor button. "I'm not Amy. I'm Tris!" I say as the doors slide close before her shocked face.

I run to the exit when the elevator opens. I push the glass doors walk into the freezing night. I can see that snow had melted lately. So I've been sleeping for a couple of months? Or worse, years. I run towards the vehicle entrance. I am shivering when I am halfway through. I hear voices behind calling me 'Amy'.

Then I hear a rev of an engine and I speed up towards the sound. Finally I see Tobias. He isn't wearing a helmet. His t-shirt is inside out and his shoelace is undone. He puts the stand without killing the engine as soon as he sees me.

I don't slow down when he starts to run to me. The ten feet between us seem like miles even if we're getting closer by the second. His face glows in the moonlight and he looks more handsome than ever.

His lips crash on mine as he lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his hip and kiss back so hard that my lips hurt. I can taste his tears as I cry myself. I open my mouth and my tongue travels across his lip absorbing his touch. My hands tangle through his hair pulling him closer.

He slowly lower me to the ground without breaking the kiss. His movements get slow and steady after a few seconds. I stand on his feet to get away from the ice cold ground. His lips move down my jaw and throat giving me to gasp for air. One of my hands wraps around his neck pressing his body against mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I sob when I catch my breath. "I am-"

He cuts me short with another kiss. He tilts his head and his tongue touches my lips. I sigh his name against his lips. I find his cheeks and run my thumbs against his unshaved warm skin. All I want is this moment of happiness to never end. He breaks away just enough to see my eyes. Our lips are brushing together. We stare into each other's eyes for a brief moment.

He touches my cheek with one of his hands. "I missed you." He smiles through his tears. He doesn't care about the time we were separated. All he cares about is that I am with him at this moment and all I care about is that he's holding me in his arms right now.

"I missed you too." I bury my face in his warm chest. He kisses my hair tightening his grip around me. My tears moisturize his t-shirt.

I'm not gonna ruin the moment with my goofy comments. Bye!

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