Chapter 1

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Tobias's PoV

The receptionist tells me to go inside after a few minutes of waiting. I take the file which only contained my application.

I don't have any qualifications since I learned that there was an outside world existed beside the city I lived a few years ago. I hope this principle would accept me. Two refused. But I am hopeful because Janus High is a small school.

I step inside the office of Mr. Sinus. The principle is a thin man and look as normal as any human.

When I left Chicago with Evelyn, I expected the whole world to be in complete havoc because GDs roamed free. But turned out, the governments of all the countries have managed to keep dangerous GDs in control.

Evelyn is permitted to live a normal life because she is a GP. I am permitted among the GPs because I'm not completely GD which means I am not as violent.

I manage to get temporary jobs in department stores for a few months but the salary isn't enough to support mine and Evelyn's expenses. She is writing novels as an extra earn. But her books aren't the most popular among people.

I tried getting a job in a boxing training center but, they didn't trust me with it because I am still GD. I tried to get teaching jobs in two schools and failed because I don't have enough qualifications.

This time, it's a vacancy for Janus's P.E. teacher. Since there isn't much violence and only included physical activities, the job seem right to me.

"Good morning Mr. Eaton." Sinus greets beckoning me to sit.

"Good morning, sir." I sit down and hand over the file to him.

He nods at the empty file and my description letter which says all the things that happened to me. He reads the letter slowly.

"You are accepted." He puts the file back on the table.

I just stare at him not being able to believe that he accepted me so easily. "Is that it, sir? No questions?"

"No, Eaton." He answers. "We needed a P.E. teacher for the last seven months. You're assigned to start working from next Monday."

"Thank you, sir." I nod gratefully and he smiles back. I take the file from his desk and stand up. "And sir, can I ask for a favor?" I ask as I push the chair inside.

"Go ahead."

"Can you enter Four instead of Tobias Eaton into the teachers' list, sir?"

"Four?" He seems confused and I nod. "Okay, that won't be a problem. Inform it to the receptionist."

"Thank you, sir." I walk out of the room.

I hand over the file to the lady and tell her my request. She doesn't object and start typing in her computer.

While she is on it, I take my phone out and call Evelyn. She answers after two rings.

"I got the job." I say. I am still not close to her. But both of us are trying to patch up the holes together.

"That's good. When are you starting?" Her voice is casual.

"Next Monday."

"Hmm. Are you coming for dinner?"

"No. I'm going over to Christina's."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." I cut the line and receive a copy of my acceptance letter.

See yall next week/year. Vote, share and comment!

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