Chapter 2

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I walk past curious students who stop to stare at me and to the car park. My black sports motorcycle rests in one of the corners. It's a second hand and I only bought it because it was cheap and I liked its design. It has thick tiers and a polished black body. A glass panel is placed over the speed dials. Its headlights have a sharp shape to them. It has a long tail.

I swing my leg over it and start the engine after putting on the helmet. It purrs into life and I speed down the highway. I take turns heading towards Christina's house.

"Come in, dear" Stephanie smiles kindly.

I smile back and follow her inside. I walk inside the small kitchen to see Christina baking.

She refused to go to school since she had only a year left. So she ended up doing a beauty course and getting a degree from that area. She wasn't in a hurry to get a job because Stephanie earned enough for her, Rose and Christina from her lawyer job. Candors always get the jobs with a lot of talking. I stand there for a while until Christina sees me.

When she does, I lift arms up and shrug. "I got the job."

She squeals happily and run to me. "Congratulations!" She hugs me carefully making sure I didn't get batter all over me. "When are you starting?" We are like siblings now. She feels like my only family apart from Evelyn.

"Next Monday."

"Finally you won't have to work in a dozen places a day."


"Let's celebrate!" She jumps a little.

"I knew you would say that." I chuckle.

"Just let me finish this." I nod and walk to the television.

"Oh and Shauna called." Christina shouts from the kitchen when I sit down with remote control. I turn my head to listen. "She's attached to the place like glue." I can already see Christina rolling her eyes in the kitchen and smile.

Zeke and Shauna got married just after we moved out. The city is finally peaceful with Zeke as their voted leader. There are only a few hundreds of people who refused to move. The place is free of all the factions and everyone is living in peace. Anybody can do any job and the gates are always open for anyone to leave or come.

Zeke has no problem with moving out of there but for some reason, Shauna insists on staying there. I visit Zeke once in a while but we aren't in contact much. I am only updated on them because of Shauna's regular calls to Christina.

I turn on the television to watch the news. It is just like the other days. Updates on the number of GDs and GPs. It is always good news because almost every newborn is a GP nowadays. The fights are less and the new law is fair to both GDs and GPs.

After watching the television for a while, I hear Rose coming home from school. Christina is the one to inform my news to her and congratulates me.

After baking her cake, Christina starts on dinner. She asks me about the school and the job while we eat.

After sitting around and talking a little, I return to my apartment just before midnight.

It is in a flat a few minutes away from Christina's. It's on the ninth floor of the building. It has three rooms, a living room and a kitchen. The reason we bought the place was because the price was affordable.

I unlock the door and walk inside to notice that Evelyn had already gone to bed. I close my room door behind and crash on the bed.

My room is empty except for a punching bag, a cupboard and a small desk. I roll over to my side and open the drawer of the table. From it, I take a small photo album and open it.

The first photo is a group photo with me, Zeke, Shauna, Christina and Cara smiling just before we separated. I smile at the memory and slowly turn to the next page. It has a picture of Zeke's and Shauna's wedding.

Next is a picture of Zeke and Uriah. A sad smile spread across my face as I see Zeke's little brother.

Next there is a group photo of every friend I made in Dauntless including my students. Amar, Tori, Will and Edward are a few of them.

Next are a few pictures of the Dauntless compound and the city. Memories come back and I turn to the last page.

It has two pictures. The top one is of a blond girl in Dauntless clothes. Her face is narrow. Her eyes are blue-grey and wide with alert. A hint of her raven tattoo was visible over her t-shirt. She's smiling crookedly at the camera with her arms folded.

Beatrice Prior.

The picture was taken by Christina just after Beatrice passed the initiating. I brush my fingers over her face hoping that she might come to life as if nothing happened.

I tear my eyes away from that photo and look at the next one. It is a picture of me and her kissing for the first time in the Chasm. She has her slender arms around my neck. I was holding her around the waist while smiling like an idiot. Both of us look happy and two years younger.

Zeke had taken the photo secretly planning to roast me in front of all the others. But he never got a chance. The day when she... died, he gave me the picture saying, "can't make fun of you when she's not here."

I sigh sadly. I no longer feel pain when I remember her. But somewhere inside me, there is a numbness which never goes away. A void that will never find its missing part. I hold on to the happy memories we had together and they never fail to bring a small grin to my face.

I know that I have to move on. But I don't find a correct girl. Maybe it's because I am looking for her-my Beatrice-in every girl.

"I got the job." I speak to her photo. "I know you'd want me to move on. Give me some time." I place the album on the table and let my eyes drop.

Happy new year kids! How was the first day of the new year? To tell you the truth, I slept right through it :)

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