Chapter 28

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Tris's PoV

I am still listening to the drumbeat. It's been about an hour or a year. I lost track of time as soon as I arrived. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I hear a whisper of six words: "just know that I love you."

Love. The word brings back tiny pieces from somewhere. I see faces flash before my eyes. They are changing too fast to recognize. The sentence echoes through the blackness. Finally I am able to hear the voice clearly. It's a man's voice and somehow, I find his face from the flashes.

He isn't smiling when he asks my name. I don't hear my answer. I am only focused on the man's face. Tobias.

Then another wave of flashes hit me. This time, it's my whole life with every single detail. I have to wake up. People are waiting for me to wake up. Especially Tobias. He said that he loved me. I want to scream that I love him more, but I can't.

Suddenly I forget how to breathe and the drumbeat gets louder and out of time. Something inside me starts to hurt like it has been dumped in boiling water. I try to focus, but fail. The only thing I can think of is, wake up Tris.

Tobias's PoV

"What happened?" Morgan demands.

"I-I don't know." I shrug. "She started to gasp and they took her." No one questions me anymore. Morgan and I pace across the hall while Harry and Christina sit on chairs looking anxious.

Dr. Crane comes out after a few minutes. "She was trying to fight it." He says. He ignores our confused looks. "She was aware of the coma for a brief period of time. Something triggered her memory, but she couldn't keep it up long enough. The hope is getting clearer. If she keeps up her fight, she might wake up soon." He smiles at us happily and walks away.

- - -

A month later

"See you." I nod at Morgan when the clock hits six. "Let me know if anything happens." She doesn't say anything as usual.

Tris has had only one fit since the last month, but she is still in the coma. It has been three months and a week. Doctors said that she has a spark of hope and I am praying that hope keeps burning.

I walk out with Christina. I offer her a ride home with a promised chocolate cake waiting. We ride in silence. I stop the bike in front of her house after sometime.

"Coming in?" Christina asks. I shake my head. She runs inside to get the cake. "Please don't get mad." She begs after she's given me the small package.

I frown. "Why? What did you do?"

She bites her lip in guilt. "I kind of slipped a little about Tris while on a call with Shauna."

I widen my eyes. "What?!"

"I'm sorry." I roll my eyes.

"When are they coming to visit?" I know it would happen soon.

"Tomorrow," she says in a small voice. "Around four in the afternoon."

"Just what Tris needs: more audience." I rub the bridge of my nose.

She looks down. "I am so sorry."

I sigh. "It's okay. It has to happen sooner or later. Tell them to come to your place. Then we'll take them to the hospital."

I give the cake to Evelyn since I have no appetite. The last one month was torturing more than the first. I was burning everyday hoping for a sign of life from her, but it only happened once.

That time it happened when I wasn't near her. She had started to gasp just like the first time and gone unconscious, but she had managed to keep it up for about fifteen minutes this time. The thread of hope has begun to get thicker by the day because I know that she is fighting.

I brush my teeth without eating and lie-down on my bed knowing sleep won't come just like the last three months.

Tris's PoV

I listen to the drumbeat trying to remember something that is somehow important to me. I don't give much effort to it since I feel dreamy too. I can't remember whether I am a girl or a boy. I guess that I am a boy for no reason, but switch answers for no reason.

Then the only thing I remember happens. The drumbeat goes on. Then a strange thought occurred to me. Why does it accelerate? The answer comes naturally. When it happens, I forget how to breathe and right on cue, I gasp for air that refuses to go down my windpipe. All of this happens and suddenly... I remember that I am Tris Prior.

My eyes fly open. When they do, my breathing come back to normal and the drumbeat disappears. I flinch at the bright light coming from around me. I close my eyes again and let the eyelids absorb the brightness. Then I slowly open them.

There isn't much of a light around, just a lampshade glowing faintly beside me. It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light even if it's low. Finally when they don't hurt anymore, I look around.

An IV is attached to my arm and I can feel a tube around my nose. I can feel the heaviness of the blankets. I wriggle my toes and they seem to exist to my relief.

I see Morgan snoring on a bed near me. The name gives me a euphoria because now I know that I remember something. I search my mind for every single thing I remember and my whole life comes flooding in. I can almost see the scenes before my eyes. I smile and feel my lips tug up into my cheeks.

I see that it is night when I look out the small window at the far end of the room. The moon is full and shining brightly. The sky is cloudless.

Then the only thing I need to do invades my mind. When it does, I try to keep my breaths even. I take a deep breath and lift my hand. It obeys so I lift my whole left arm up and remove the IV from the other.

Yessss, it's happening! Am I excited for my own book? Wow, I need help :D Ok, ok don't waste your time reading this. BUT,

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