Chapter 27

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Tobias's PoV

"You must be Amy's parents." He nods at Harry and Morgan. I let them through to the front.

The doctor takes a deep breath. "I am Dennis Crane, your daughter's doctor." Morgan looks impatient so he breaks down to explaining. "Amy has suffered another brain seizure. She's fallen into a coma." Morgan gasps and my insides go numb. I almost lose my balance, but stand straight because I need to know more.

"We did a scan. Her brain is undamaged and healthy. We don't how long she would stay in the coma. There's a chance that she might wake up in a few weeks. She'll be moved from the emergency room soon. She'll be physically fine." His expression softens as he turns to Morgan. "That's what I am supposed to tell you as a doctor, but my personal advice is to brace yourselves to the worst case scenario. You can see her when we move her to a separate room."

Morgan is teary eyed when Dr. Crane leaves and I am standing there staring into the distance with my head buzzing with a thousand things. I decide staying near Morgan or Harry wouldn't help either of us.

I escape to the bathroom for a few minutes. As soon as I am alone in one of the stalls, my eyes moisturize. I wipe them away fiercely. I shouldn't cry. Nothing happened. She's just in a coma.

I've seen her in worse conditions. This isn't bad as them. The doctor said that she would wake up in a few weeks. Nothing will happen to Tris. She is strong enough to fight it.

I wipe my eyes for the last time and walk out hanging to a thin thread of hope. I know it is very fragile, but that hope is the only thing that's keeping me alive. I can't lose her again. I am not strong enough to live if I lose her twice.

- - -

Two months later

The elevator dings to a stop on the third floor and I step out of it. I walk down the corridors without really thinking. They are familiar to me like the way from work to my house. It is good to be inside the heated walls while it snowed heavily outside.

I am in front of the correct door in a matter of seconds. I knock on the brass door and walk in without waiting for an answer. I smile at Morgan and Christina who are sitting far away from each other.

"Good afternoon!" Christina beams. "I was just passing by and came to see Tris." Morgan shifts on her seat when she hears the name.

She stays in the hospital as much as she can. Almost twenty four-seven. I would have done the same if she didn't hate me that much. Christina usually visits in weekends since she's on the other side of the city. Maybe she wanted to see her friend on Wednesday.

I drag a steel stool from under the table and sit next to Tris's bed. "Good afternoon. How was your day?" She doesn't answer as usual.

Tris's eyes are closed, but she was breathing normally. The heart rate monitor next to her beeped according to her rhythmic pulse. An IV providing her with nutrition is injected to her left arm. An oxygen tube gave her artificial air. She's dressed in one of the plain white hospital gowns. A thick layer of blankets kept her warm.

She's been like this for two months, a week and five days. The doctor said that she could start recovering if we keep her conscious of the world around her. So all of us talk to her like she is responding in return. The nurses cut her hair a couple of weeks ago so she will be easy to clean. Her new hair cut ends near her ears, but I can see it has grown a few centimeters. She's well looked after. She is clean and smells like medicine.

I tuck a lose strand of hair out of her face. I see Morgan standing up and walking out of the room from the corner of my eye. She isn't comfortable with me being so close with her daughter and I don't blame her.

"They changed the sheets huh?" I ask her touching the new white blanket. "That's good. It smelled funny for a few days." I visit her every day after school and in the morning every weekend without missing a day.

"Did Lydia visit in the morning? She told me she did." We have divided the visiting hours so Tris isn't troubled. "Did Frank come? He visited only twice last week, right?" He doesn't seem to have much time for her ex-girlfriend. "Evelyn made Morgan some pastries. I'll leave them here." I rest the container on the table as I speak to Christina. She nods.

"I'll be right back." She stands up and walks out leaving me and Tris. Maybe she has some work or she wants me to have some time with Tris alone.

I pull my stool closer to her. I take her right hand in my hands. "The school announced the Spring Dance. Teachers are invited too. Do you think we can go together? Maybe they'll let us. Or will it look weird when the teacher takes his student to a dance?" I laugh, but it is just a dry sound in my throat. "Bet half of your class will be jealous of either me or you."

I doesn't really enjoy anything since Tris stopped talking. Every time I try, her alert big eyes come to my mind and the craving to see them open again burns inside me.

"You will be there at the dance, won't you?" I ask. "Everyone will miss you if you don't come. Alex, Frank and all your other friends." I take a shaky breath. "You don't have to remember anything. Just come back. I will do anything you tell me. I'll tell you everything."

I reach into my pocket and pull out the small album. "I'll even let you see all the photos." I flip through the pages while holding it before her closed eyes. I pause on the last page. "Anything." I sigh and put it back in my pocket.

"You can punish me all you want. Just open your eyes. Please." I stare into her eyelids knowing my pleading has gone down the river. I sigh. "Just know that I love you." I rub my fingers over her cheek and smile sadly at the touch of her skin.

Suddenly her eyes shoot open. She gasps and her eyes roll into her skull. The heart rate monitor goes crazy screaming without any timing. Tris keeps gasping for air. I don't wait a second and run out of the room.

"Doctor!" I shout. "Somebody!"

Quickly a group of nurses run in with a wheeled bed. They shift Tris onto that bed when Dr. Crane dashes to gasping Tris's side. He shouts instructions to his team and they roll the bed out of the room with me close behind. They take her towards a set of double doors with red lights over it. When we are a few feet away from them, Tris goes limp. Her gasping stops and her eyelids close back again.

"Tris?" I ask trying to keep her conscious. Finally they roll her into the room leaving me behind.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna finish this today... what do you say, huh? Just 3 more chaps and the Epilogue? Yes, I'm gonna do it.

As always,

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