Chapter 20

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Tris's PoV

The door is wide open when I approach it. I run out of it to the elevator. I push the button several times but Frank must have been using it. I turn around and take the stairs three at a time.

I don't know why all of it happened. When I saw Four's look, I couldn't turn away. All I wanted to do was kiss him. Why was I feeling that way? He told me there was nothing between us except friendship. Then why was he the first one to kiss? And most important of all, why did I want to kiss him back? Now my heart won't stop racing. I never had feelings for him since the day we met. But why this now?

I am panting when I reach ground floor. Right on cue, the elevator arrives. Frank sees me but ignores as he walk to his car.

"Frank," I run after him. I try to grab his arm but he shrugs it away.

He turns to me. "You have anything to say for yourself?" He asks in a deadly calm voice.

"I'm sorry." I say. "And I swear there isn't anything between me and Four."

He laughs without humor. "Nothing? Then what was that?" He spits gesturing towards the building.

"I don't know. I am also confused." He scoffs and looks away. "Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"I knew it." He mutters.

I frown. "Pardon?"

"I knew you two were up to something behind my back." He looks at me. "And you proved me right."

I lean back. "You mean you were suspecting me from the beginning?"

"Yes. That guy was always eyeing you like a hungry dog."

"Don't say anything to him." I am angry now. He was suspecting me?

He spreads his arms and laughs like he can't believe me. "You're taking his side now?"

"I'm taking no one's side." I push my anger aside.

"You think I'll believe you after what I just saw? What you two were doing right in front of my eyes?" He's almost yelling.

"Trust me. This was the first time such thing happened."

He frowns. "First time? So you're expecting more?"

"What?! No." I shout.

"You were totally into it. I can't trust you anymore."

My mouth hangs open. "What did you just say?"

"I said I can't trust you."

"What?" My face heats up.

"I. Don't. Trust. You." He spits each word angrily.

I am silent for a moment while I push the urge to punch him in the face away. I inhale deeply. "You know what?" He crosses his arms waiting. "This isn't going anywhere. How can I trust my feelings on someone who doesn't even trust me?"

"So?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I'm ending this relationship." I pronounce each syllable separately.

He smiles angrily. "Good. That's the best decision you've taken your whole life."

"Thank you." I say grudgingly.

"Good luck with that GD." He yells.

"Get out of here before I break your nose. Maybe you'll find a better pet who obeys to whatever you say." I yell back.

Frank storms off leaving me breathing heavily. He gets in the car and drives off. I stand there fuming for a minute. Then I scream in fury before waving down a taxi and heading home.

Don't judge me if this chapter... weird. Because I've never had a break up or kissed someone. :D Yall like it though right? I mean I ask the same question in every chapter, but I don't get replies. It's totally okay, 'cause I know someone will reply after 10 years or something... :P As long as everyone reading this are happy, I am. (Ignore me being clingy and all in the previous A/Ns)

Ok kids!

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