Chapter 10

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Tris's PoV

"That's fast." Four says when the waiter sets the plates on the table after ten minutes.

He starts on his sandwich right away. "Wow. This food is really worth dying for." He says after the first bite.

I chuckle and eat a fork full of the noodle. The fish melts in my mouth and cuttlefish are chewier than bubblegum.

When Four swallows the second bite, he breaks the sandwich into two and offers me a half. I stare at it for a while.

"Oh, sorry." He takes it back his face reddening a little. "Stupid Dauntless habits." He mutters and put the half back in his plate.

I smile. "Did I used to do that back in Dauntless?"

"We all did." He answers.

I smile and scoop half of my plate to the side of his plate. "Here you go. It's better than eating salad leaves and ketchup." His face brightens as he gives me a half.

"So what's your real name?" I ask after a few moments.

He swallows. "Confidential."

I groan. "I am starting to regret coming with you." I say even though I don't.

"I'm sorry for fixing the time and bringing you to La Rosé. He smiles coolly and continues eating.

I pout and eat. After that we ordered desert.

"Try the chocolate cake. It's the best." I say to him. So both of us order two pieces.

When it arrives, Four finishes it in seconds. "No cake can be compared to Dauntless cake. But this is one of the best cakes I've eaten." He leans back.

"You love cake, don't you?" I smile.

"More than one could love." He laughs and I finish my cake.

"What's so special about Dauntless cake?" I ask out of curiosity.

He shrugs. "I don't know. It's just unimaginably delicious." Both of us laugh at the statement.

After eating I take out my purse to pay. But Four touches my hand. "I'm paying." He takes out some bills from his pocket. "It's not that expensive either."

"Be my guest." I put my purse back in my bag while he pay. "Thank you." I say when we step out into the dark night.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asks as I get on.

I look at my watch. "Nah. It's almost curfew. Let's go back."

He groans but heads towards my house. "Talk to me." He says as he turns into the main road.

"What do you mean 'talk to me'?" I frown.

"Just talk about something." He shrugs lightly. "Avoid your parents and friends."

"Why? Are you sleepy?" I ask.

"Maybe." I can imagine his crooked smile as he lied.

I tighten my grip around him as he stops at the traffic lights. "Okay. Let me think."

I couldn't help myself but write a part of them eating. Ik it's nothing exciting, but since no one's reading my silly story... who cares?

Whoever decided to check this out and stayed this far, thank you for reading my silly story. <3


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