Chapter 6

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Tobias's PoV

"Evelyn!" I bang the door open and run to the living room.

"Tobias," she is startled. "What happened?" She is watching television.

"Tris. Amnesia. Janus. Alive" I say to her.

"Whoa, whoa." She lifts her palms up. "Slow down. What happened?"

I take a few deep breaths and calm myself down. "Tris. Is. Alive."

"What?!" Evelyn shots up from the couch.

"She's in one of my classes."

"Talk to me." She sits down and pats the empty spot next to her.

Tris's PoV

"He thought I was dead for two years!" I finish explaining the whole story at dinner to Harry and Morgan Allister, my foster parents.

"I am happy for you, Amy." Morgan rubs my arm. She is tanned and brown headed while her husband is pale and almost bald.

"Or Tris?" Harry adds smiling. Both of them are kind enough to take me in after what happened to me.

I laugh. "Whatever. I am still the same person."

I go to bed after doing some of my homework with my head filled with all the things Four told me about my life.

That night, I dream. I am standing in front of a stage facing the actors. There are three girls, four boys and middle aged couple. All of them are standing in a line. The disturbing thing about them are that all of them were faceless. Instead of facial features, their faces only has skin.

Suddenly all of them charge towards me. They jump off from the stage and advance. I take several steps back but they don't stop. So I start to run. I can sense them running after me. I speed past seats and reach the exit. I pull it open and run into a basement.

I turn around to see the doors has vanished. I can't make out my surroundings because it is too dark. I can only see a feet around me. I don't move. I know that I am only dreaming. I can usually wake up from my dreams. So I close my eyes and think.

Wake up, wake up, Amy. But when I open my eyes, I am still in the dark basement.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, another group of faceless people crash on me. They pin me to ground and try to strangle me. All of them have bloody wounds all over their bodies. Their blood wets my clothes.

"Get off me." I scream but strangely, I know who they are. "I'm sorry I killed you. Please leave me alone. Get off me!" I scream and struggle against their iron grip.

Then someone shakes my shoulder and my eyes flutter open. I am sweating and breathing heavily. My head hurts like it's going to explode. I can't see who woke me up. I doubt the dream isn't still over. But before I can react, my headache comes to its extreme and I lose consciousness.

Tobias's PoV

I park my bike in the car park and jog to the football field with a smile plastered across my face.

I'm going to meet her again. This really isn't a dream. I am planning to tell her about us

When I arrive, Tris isn't there. Frank is standing there with his arms folded. He isn't very happy when he see me.

"Where is, Tris?" I ask.

"Stop calling her that!" He snaps. "She won't be able to come today. She told me to deliver the massage."

"Why? What happened?" I ask concerned.

"She doesn't want you to know."

"Know what?"

He take a long step towards me so that our faces are inches away. "Stay. Away. From her." He says each words separately. "I don't care if you're my teacher. If anything happens to her again, I won't let you live in peace." He is overprotective about her.

"What happened to her?" I take the hint from his threat.

Frank steps away from me. "She didn't want me to tell you because you will feel guilty. But I have no problem with that." He smirks. "She's hospitalized because of you." He jabs his finger at me and walks away without another word.

Hospitalized? Because of me? I am frozen there for a heartbeat. When I come back to my senses, I race to my bike.

Good morning! Yall know what? Today's Independence Day here in SL. I woke up to watch the live feed of the ceremony and found an open space to publish the new chapter.

And I wanted to add something. Thank you for all the reads from day 1. Some of you might have stopped reading after a couple of chaps, but I am still grateful. You don't know how hard it was to get all of this started. Thank you for hanging around my silly stories. Means a lot.


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