Chapter 30

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Ah! Sorry...

Tris's PoV

"Tris," he whispers against my hair. "We have an audience."

I turn my head to see a half dozen nurses, a couple of doctors and a very shocked, confused Morgan. Tobias chuckles softly and turn to them. His arm doesn't move away from around my shoulder as his hand played with my hair.

"Good evening." He smiles politely at Morgan.

"Um, she should go back to her room." One of the doctors stammers.

"Yeah, sure." Tobias is relaxed. His tears have vanished so I quickly wipe mine away.

He takes his arm away and my knees buckle. He catches me. That's when I notice how tired I am. I have been standing steadily only because I was leaning against Tobias. My legs burn from all the running and my whole body feels as if a truck had ran over me.

"Can you walk?" He asks and I try to take a few steps all by myself. I stumble and he catches me before I fall face first on the ground. "Should I carry you?" He offers as he leans me against him so I don't fall.

My head feels dizzy and he catches me again before I fall down. I know I am going to pass out soon, but I fight it. I don't want to miss a second of being with Tobias after all this time.

He swings my arm around his shoulder and wraps his arms behind my shoulders and knees. Then he lifts me up cradling me against his chest. I fight with my closing eyelids as he carries me back inside.

I can't see anything besides Tobias's neck and shoulder so I breathe in his smell as the elevator dings to a stop before us.

Tobias's PoV

I place her gently on the mattress and cover her with the blankets. A nurse inject the IV back into her arm. The oxygen tube is discarded.

"We'll do the tests when she is well rested. Her body is very weak at this moment." Dr. Crane says. "It's better if all of you leave her alone to rest."

Tris's hand finds mine. "Can I stay?" I ask. "I'll make sure she sleeps."


"Please, doctor." Tris whines beside me.

Crane sighs. "Okay. He can stay, but you should stay outside." He tells Morgan who walks out without a word.

The doctor and the nurse exit after her leaving me and Tris alone in the room. "Get some sleep." I sit down on the stool beside the bed.

Tris rolls her eyes. She looks very alert for a person who woke up from a coma. "I just slept for three months."

"But you heard what the doctor said. You are too weak. You need rest." I raise my eyebrows.

She sighs. "Okay, whatever, but on one condition."

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "What?" She shifts to a side of the bed and pats the empty side of the bed. "Well that's easy."

I get inside the blankets with her. She turns to me and touches my lips with her surprisingly warm fingertips. "I'm sorry, Tobias." My name in her lips feels like a symphony to me. If she tells me to hang myself with those words, I will never hesitate.

I turn to her. A tear is falling down across her nose into her other eye. I wipe it away gently. I take her hand and place it against my cheek. "You don't have to apologize. It isn't your fault. No one is wrong here."

"How you-" I interrupt her with a brief kiss.

"Shh... You need to rest. We'll talk when you wake up in the morning. It's past midnight."

She doesn't argue and bury her face in my neck. "I love you." I hear her muffled voice.

"Love you."

"Don't go anywhere." I wrap my arms around her and soon her breathings become even.

Sun light wakes me up before Tris. Her head is on my chest and one of my arms is still around her. Her raven tattoo glistens in the diamond rays. I kiss her blond hair waking her up.

"Good morning." I say and kiss her.

"Morning." She whispers smiling.

I lower myself from the bed and sit on the stool. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better. I feel like a bike had ran over me, not a truck." I chuckle. She sits up easily and takes my hand. "I remember everything Tobias." She says. I already know that she does, but doesn't object just to hear her voice after two months.

"I heard everything from when they took me away to when they threw me into the river." My eyes widen. She either doesn't see it or ignore it. "They thought I was dead when they brought me to the lobby. I was too weak to do anything. It hazy, I only remember distant voices.

"Then when they were going to burn me, someone noticed my heart beating. I remember them arguing whether to let me die or save me. Then they said that there wasn't a point of giving others false hope. So they threw me in the river. Something hit me hard on the head, maybe a rock and the next thing I remember is waking up in this hospital remembering nothing."

I kiss her hand and smile. "Well, now you're here." If she had told me this a year ago, I would have killed everyone including my friends out of anger. Now I am just glad that I didn't lose her forever. She smiles back.

Shhh... silence

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